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How much water change and how often?

Galloping Goose

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Galloping Goose

Wanted to find out how much of water change and how often should I change in a 3 gallon pico? It will evantually house your basic zoos, and mushrooms, 2 sexy shrimp, a couple small snails, and a couple small crabs, and maybe a yellow (citron) clown. Thanx!

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I think most people say 10-20% a week, and it would be a good idea if you get the fish. If you don't have the fish in there I think you might be able to get away with every other week or something. Just monitor your nitrate, not letting it get too high.

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Galloping Goose

At my LFS they told me I need to change water as often as every other day in a 3g pico. Thought that seemed to much. Hum? Hope that someone out there has a 3g pico thats nicely stocked and has kept it a good while to tell me their secrets, especially on the water changes.

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I have a 2.5 pico that I've been running for a little over a month and I change about 10%, or so, once a week.


Some of the guys that I work with, who have had their 2.5s running since April of this year, only do water changes once every two to three weeks and their tanks are still going strong. Hope that helps a little.




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One Eyed Bunny
At my LFS they told me I need to change water as often as every other day in a 3g pico. Thought that seemed to much. Hum? Hope that someone out there has a 3g pico thats nicely stocked and has kept it a good while to tell me their secrets, especially on the water changes.


You have to top-off your tank everyday to prevent drastic fluxuations in salinty, especially in such small tank.


Water changes can be weekly or even bi-weekly. However, in such a small tank you would have to do water changes, at least, weekly to prevent the build up of nitrifying organics in the water, if you don't have a skimmer.

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