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My 1.5G. Need some advice


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Hey everyone. I picked up this pretty neat tank from where I work and decided to make it into a reef pico. I am having a diatom breakout and algae is starting to grow on the side of the tank. I have been doing water changes every 4days or so... about half a gallon or so at a time. its been going for about 2 weeks now, and cant seem to clear it up or it wont clear on its own. I have 3 Nassarius Snails and 1 bluelegged hermit in there now with my live rock. the sand came out of my 12gallon Aquapod thats been established for a little over a year now. filter is just a little in tank filter whisper that came with the tank w/carbon and floss.


My main concern is that I dont know when I should add my corals. and I am still undecided on what type of shrimp to get. I really think the sexy shrimp is cool. I guess instead of rambling on and on I will make my questions plan and simple.


How long should my diatom breakout last in a 1.5?


in what length of time is it safe to add some coral, and what kind?


suggestions on a shrimp?









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Nice tank -- I have the same one! link is in my signature :)


You could probably put 3 or 5 sexy shrimp in there (read somewhere they need to be kept in odd numbers)

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Hi, too new to this to really help with your main line of inquiry... still, I wish you well with it.


Just wondered if a Glade air freshener next to a reef tank is such a good idea?

I've banned aerosols/anti-perspirants from being used in the same room as my nano!


Cheers, Ade.

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Update with more photo's!


Well, I got home from work today and found that most of the diatom bloom had been cleared up and has vanished. :) good snails. I added a different filter and a small fountain pump, 30gph I am thinking it might be to much in the tank, but for now it stays. I took the top off and placed the light on top of the tank, fits perfectly. I need to get some of the coralife light risers so I can get it off the water a little more to reduce the heat.


I noticed some clearish sticky material floating in the tank, it picked up some sand I thought it was hair at first but its sticky, sticky enough to pick up sand, I removed it from the tank, only to see more a few hours later. I got a photo, not a very good one but you can see it... Any ideas what it could be? or coming from? the LR maybe? I have some green/brownish algae starting to grow on the side o the tank, I will have to remove that myself I think. anyways here are more pictures of some of the changes and the sticky fibers!










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The easiest way to figure out if it's safe to add coral is to do water tests and see what your levels are at.


Most people seem to recommend doing it when your ammonia and nitrite are at 0 and your nitrates are low (this will be regulated mostly by doing water changes).


But I am a total newbie, just regurgitating the information that I read on forum posts.


Do you have any other nano or marine tanks? By the way, your LR is simply a stunning piece in the tank--good choice. And this 1.5 gallon does look huge!



Basically, remember this: nothing good happens quickly in marine aquariums. Or, more cryptic: only bad things happen quickly in marine aquariums.


With that in mind, patience is key! Good luck and delightful tank setup!


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Yea test for nitrates, but the best way to tell if it is ok to add corals IMO is to add some cheap zoas $5 or so and see how they do. Also keep in mind plants in a small tank help a lot so if there is a place that you can put some cheato it wouldn't hurt.



also if that glade thing is squirting any crap into your tank (from what i can see with that light it is open topped) than that will add a ton of phosphates so id remove that

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ditch the filter floss, post the wattage of your lights, scrub that algae, and get corals first, fish later, possibly not at all. Skunk cleaner shrimp and coral banded shrimp have great personalities.

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