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Innovative Marine Aquariums

here is my new hood


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Made out of red oak for my 10 gallon nano. I am going to get some finish and poly on it tonight but I thought I would post a few pics while I had a few miutes to spare.

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Sweet hood man, does the top bevel up? Also what kind of saw did you use to make cuts - meaning are the corners angled or just sit in a l shape?


I have so many DIY canopy ideas but don't have access to a good saw to make the cuts I need.

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The hood just lifts off. I am going to use a JBL clamp light fixture so I can just lift the hood off and leave the lights in place. All of the corners are mitred so no end grain is showing. I did the cuts on a table saw.

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Here is the finished product. 5 coats of primer on the interior--stained on the outside then three coats of poly on the whole thing.

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nice to see some other DIYers doing quality work.

Koodos !


now here is the real kicker...... just fer ######s and giggles....


What did yer wood cost,

What was yer supply cost,

How many hours (actual labor),

Any special techniques,

Any special equipment,

How many days start to finish,

What would you sell that for if you had to make another one,

What did you do special to make it "nice nice"


Just curious, 'cause after 44 + hoods being made by myself, I'd like to hear that the "price is right" lolz

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I can make these hoods for a ten gallon pretty easily so if anyone needs one let me know. We can work out a price

i can also make some risers if ya want one

Everything is made out of red oak

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The wood cost was pretty minimal

supplies were around ten bucks

2 hrs on the riser/2 hours on the hood/2 hours on the finish

spread out over 3 days

sell it for a fair price

mitred corners/left room for furture expansions

I should add the I work at a woodworking factory so the are alot of tools at my disposal

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awesome... I KNEW that there was a profesional grade toolerie shop involved there somewhere. LOLz.




yeah I make them fer reefers, but I don't have access to planers and all the fun jiggs. Meh.. I've made 44+ , so I must be "ok" at it :)



in DIY.

I'd like some feedback.


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