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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Turbo snails getting killed...??


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I have 6 turbo snails which I put in last week, but today it seems only 2 of them are alive. I'm suspecting the hermit crabs are the culprit. Are they known to be agressive and attack turbo snails? It looks like the snails had their insides ripped apart...


If that's the case, should I change my cleanup crew so they don't kill each other??

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If they starve easily, can they be supplemented with something?

I have the same problem with mine dying, but I only see the empty shell, no hints of what their demise was. How much of a salinity change can kill them? I find that they don't all die off at the same time.

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I actually just saw a hermit crab walk up to one of the live turbos and proceed to try to rip him out of the shell... What can I do about this??

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Is the turbo's shell just about hermit sized? Provide him with other empty shells the same size that he won't have to make a kill to use.



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Yesterday I sat and watched helplessley as my emerald crab flipped over one of my turbos, pulled it out of it's shell and consumed it in a matter of minutes. Gruesome stuff. Adding empty shells will (help) prevent hermits from attacking snails.

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Feeding the hermits wouldn't be a bad idea.


I have had emeralds in my tanks for months (until I decided I wanted my caulerpa to grow) and they never bothered any snails, I fed them nori a few times a week to help them out.


I have also never seen a hermit kill a snail that wasn't on the way out anyway...but then again I have always had plenty of extra shells around. Turbos are pretty strong and a hermit or 2 aren't going to pull their operculum open unless they are already weak and dying.


Most Turbos are collected from relatively cool water of the coast of Florida or California and have poor survivability in warmer waters, which may explain their short life span in most tanks, but more so now that more people keep their tanks above 80.


Or.....maybe not.

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