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Margarita snails...not doing much


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Anyone else have any Margarita snails that don't do much of anything?


I got 2 a about 5 weeks ago, and the only thing they ever seem to do is play piggyback by climbing on each others shells. They stay in the same spot for days and even weeks at a time and rarely move at all.


I accidentally knocked them off there rock perch last sunday into the sand, and one climbed up back onto the side of the rock, the other went onto the glass. The one that climbed on the side of the rock is still there today in the exact same spot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of these Margarita snails has finally died. It's the first death of anything in my nano :( :*(




I noticed one of the snails in the sand for a few days (he wasn't upside down) , so I thought he was fine. Finally I wen't and picked him up, and the shell was empty. Fatass pods and worms made quick work of him.


The other snail was on the side of a powerhead for about a week in the same spot, and today I find him on the sand upside down. I picked him up & he is still alive and moving around.... waiting for the grim reaper to I guess.




*edit edit*

YEP, that one margarita snail thats still alive was upside down on the sand again just hours after posting this...I wonder if I should do him in myself or something...haven't bothered to test ammonia/nitrates yet.

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I read something like that to, but I thought they would have died faster, and not taken several months.


The remaining margarita snail I have has flipped upside down about 6 times in 24 hours now. I'm about to remove him now, before he fouls up the water even more...


tested the water and nitrates were around 10...ammonia/nitrite 0

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