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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Flatworm eXit... HELP

Bin Weed

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Well i just used the product as suggested and did a 25% water change and all my corals are closed OH $@#t. Anyone have experience wuith the product?

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Before you start to crap your pants wait until tomorrow. Obviously there's foreign substance in the tank now and the corals don't like it, but they'll recover. If you're still freakin do another water change.

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I hate to be the fly in the ointment, and I hope this doesn't happen to you, but the one time I tried Flatworm Exit, followed the directions to the letter (this was in my 125 Gal), all my corals and fish died. The tank had been set up for several years with no problems for the most part. I exchanged e-mails with the owner of Salifert and he would never admit that this product possibly caused this. He wouldn't do anything for me, the owner of my LFS said it was not supposed to be on the shelf yet, he covered much of my losses.

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I was worried because the corals and my shrimp looked really bad. Everything looks ok now.. i changed my carbon.

good product IMO


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Instructions cover all.


The problem is the death of the flatworms produces a toxin.


Like they instruct, the best way is to get out ALL of the flatworms you can, manually. This means every single one you can see & get to. THEN you can use the product to kill off any remaining ones.


After dosing, I do the waterchange & pop in a large ammount of fresh carbon.


Never ever had a problem.

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