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LFS vs Online stores


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I have been doing some thinking about how the online sales may be effecting the industry. I know alot of the LFS people are idiots and the other half are money hungry, but arn't they still the back bone of the industry. If we continue to buy online vs the LFS I am afraid that the LFS's will go out of bussiness. Am I worried for no reason? If the product or what ever I'm going to buy is in the same range as the LFS then I will buy from them, but some things are just so much cheaper online. I was just curious if any of you have the same thoughts or if you think that it evan matters. I guess I just have that old school feeling to support my local small business owner.



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I wont shop at an LFS anymore, I honestly cant afford it. I get everything online and I have saved hundreds of dollars...I know that may seem a little harsh to the LFS, but I dont know anybody who is willing to pay 50% more for the same product.

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The main problem I have with my local fish stores is the fact that they tend to latch onto one product line and only sell that product. So, for example, you go to a lfs and all they have are red sea skimmers and kent products. And I may want a CPR skimmer or EVS additives.


So, my two options at that point are order from the local fish store, pay more than I would online and wait longer than I would have to if I just ordered it online. Or order it online.


I choose to order it online.


For livestock, it's a little different. I'm not usually in a rush when it comes to livestock, and I like seeing a coral before I buy it. So, for livestock, I shop the local stores. Even if it is a little more expensive.



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here in NYC we have one lfs that sells nice reef livestock but it is the most overpriced store on the planet. the staff is fair at best and the owner is a dick. they will sell you anything, regardless of your tank specs and regardless of your knowledge. After many complaints they actually set up an as is tank that has dying corals and beat up fish. This after they would pawn this crap off to unsuspecting shoppers as healthy.


The only other local stores are petland outlets and petco stores. We got nothing in the city proper so online shopping is the only way to go. I would actually pay more just to put the one good store out of business.


There are some smaller stores outside of the city that pretty decent and two friends of mine opened up a shop rightoutside the city but they are barely stocked and in need of cash to get them moving. online is the only real way to go, unless you get a friend to hit the wholesalers for you (fish coming for three tanks tomorrow woohoo).

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I'll shop both, but more and more I'm only getting things from my LFS. The reason being is that although he doesn't have a lot of stock, most things I've asked about lately he has been able to get in within a week, and doesn't charge a huge markup. I am ordering some new lights soon, and I will be ordering those online, simply because of the options available online and the various prices. For livestock I'm 90% through my LFS, with the other 10% being zoos from TLR. B)

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All I know is that the odds of livestock dying during the ride home from the LFS is a lot less than having it shipped across the continent.

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Livestock local and equipment on line. Not always but almost. Shipping is too steep to buy livestock one at a time after the tank has been going a while.

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Since i live by Jeffs Exotic Fish & Marine Depot, I usually use them as a kinda LFS...


The only thing I buy at the more normal LFS's is water and some small things like frags or snails.

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Livestock at LFS. Drygoods equipment, additives and everything else on line. I like to see my corals and fish before I get them. Size coloration etc. I have a pretty good store near me, but too expensive on livestock. And I have two really nice stores for livestock about an hour away with people who will order what I want for livestock, and reasonablly priced.

However, all of these stores are far two expensive on dry goods. examples CPR 12" refugium for 149.99 vs online for 99.99 or even better custom built online for 40.00. Almost 4x more expensive than online... thats just foolish. I got burned on a few Items on my initial investment in a setup..never again. who knew you didn't have to take out a mortgage on a skimmer.

As far as the LFS going out of business, just stop in and see some of the inexperienced clientele being taken for a ride every weekend. Just my 2 cents.

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I will never order on-line again!! I ordered $150 worth of stuff from a site that shall remain nameless (aquacon.com) and had $75 worth of shipping fees, (their estimate). So my stuff comes, I take the day off work for it, and, only half my clean up crew arrives intact , one of the two fish I ordered makes it through the day alive, and the corals that show up in my package are NOT the ones I ordered!! Here's the kicker though, I put the whole thing on my AmEx card, and I look at the bill in my package, and it's almost $500!! I have e-mailed them and called, asking for an itemized bill, and get no response whatsoever, even though they continue to e-mail me their weekly specials. The only problem I have ever had with anything I ever bought at my LFS was with a jewelled damsel I bought along with some other damsels to cycle my tank. It died 2 days later, my retailer felt really bad about it and 3 months later sold me a coral with an $80 price tag on it for $40. My only other fatality was a nudibranch I bought (Dorid sp.) from a LFS and it lasted 2 days. I confessed to my other LFS that perhaps my pH was too low and they gave me a new one free. My LFS, of which there are amny, have never steered me wrong!!

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I will never order on-line again!! I ordered $150 worth of stuff from a site that shall remain nameless (aquacon.com) and had $75 worth of shipping fees, (their estimate). So my stuff comes, I take the day off work for it, and, only half my clean up crew arrives intact , one of the two fish I ordered makes it through the day alive, and the corals that show up in my package are NOT the ones I ordered!! Here's the kicker though, I put the whole thing on my AmEx card, and I look at the bill in my package, and it's almost $500!! I have e-mailed them and called, asking for an itemized bill, and get no response whatsoever, even though they continue to e-mail me their weekly specials. The only problem I have ever had with anything I ever bought at my LFS was with a jewelled damsel I bought along with some other damsels to cycle my tank. It died 2 days later, my retailer felt really bad about it and 3 months later sold me a coral with an $80 price tag on it for $40. My only other fatality was a nudibranch I bought (Dorid sp.) from a LFS and it lasted 2 days. I confessed to my other LFS that perhaps my pH was too low and they gave me a new one free. My LFS, of which there are amny, have never steered me wrong!!

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I really believe the problem with the industry is the wholesaler/distributors. They sell products to the LFS and then turn around and sell them online to the end user for the same price. My LFS has shown me invoices for products where his cost is more than I can buy it online for. I honestly try to use the LFS but my wallet won't always allow it. I agree with Xwhite, they are basically forced to carry what their regional distributor stocks or they are blackballed and go out of business. If they could shop online like we do they could still have a decent mark up on their drygoods and blow the other stores away while charging less than retail. It's sad when you go into a shop and their prices are considerably higher than the manufacturers suggested retail price.

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coralreeferkim, you think dealing with them is bad regarding the bill? wait until you try and get off the email list. they are notrious for their spam and their lack of professionalism.


I had a run-in with them years ago and I actually paid them a visit in Fla (I'm in NYC) to rectify the matter (I was in florida so I made a trip to their store - in another city but well worth the drive).


Most online retailers are rather good in dealing with screw-ups or deaths. There are always going to be the bad ones tho. The name aquaCON should have been an indicator of what you were getting yourself in to.

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I see we are all in the same boat (or tank). I try to buy as much from the lfs as I can, but things like lights are just so much cheaper online. If it is close or resonable then I get it from them but that seems to be happening less and less. Do you think this is good for the industy or does it really matter?

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Crakeur- I'm from NYC too, are you reffering to New World Aquarium? I do agree with you if thats who you are talking about.


I am in the process of starting a 7 gallon minibow and will order everything online, but purchase live stock locally.


Crakeur- Ever been to Fishtown USA in Queens, NY or Reef Encounters in Hackensack, NJ?


my 2 cents.........

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My LFS is a small one. Hence their prices are generally close to twice, or at least 1.5 times, what I can find online. In the past I have Chaired our local Chamber of Commerce and fully realize what it means to support the 'local businesses'.


But that doesn't necessarily mean I should pay more because of THEIR poor business acumen!


Geez... I was going to pay top dollar for a 10g tank from the LFS until I saw HIM in the Optical Center at the SuperCenter Wal-Mart! He even once told me how he dislikes WM taking business from him. I wonder what the town optometrist thinks about the LFS owner getting HIS specs from a Wal-Mart?


So I saved $20 and picked up a 10g tank from WM! B)

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If I find a good shop I try to support it. I buy my livestock, live foods, tanks and any items that are so heavy I don't want to pay for shipping. We must face it that we are NOT normal customers. First off most of us know more about the hobby then the vast majority of LFS workers will ever know. Secondly we buy way more gear then the average Joe off the street. Although they might spend a lot of money on a set up, I might need 3 PC lights or 6 Ebo Jager heaters. There is just no way I will spend my money at the LFS when I can get things for half the cost online.

I just got back from a fish store a little while ago and It was one of the worst I have ever been in. The tanks were filled with dying and even dead fish. I left there with out spending a dime. I really regreted the 2 hour round trip.

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