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MY Alife 7


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I ended up buying Anthony's Alife with some rock and stock...the Emerald crab expired, it looks like he fell onto his back and couldn't right himself...so I've added the peppermont shrimp, and a very cool piece of LR that had been a bunch of barnicales, the piece is fairly large, but very light (2.3 pounds) and came with some very nice mushrooms that seem to glow in the dark...:)  It also has some small critter corals on it I can't identify, anyone want to take a guess?




I alkso added a Xenia, but it seems to be lying down on the job right now..:)




here's a good shot of the mushrooms






And here's the overall tank on day 5, the peppermint shrimp was hiding..:)





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Another member of the "Alife Club"... :)


Your tanks looking very nice, those look like little polyps attached to those rocks...

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I had just done a water change, because I was worried about the Xenia...there's also lots of small white critters running about the tank, so they tend to sit on the glass, but I think most of it was stuff I kicked up doing the water change.....

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No one else commented on the set-up time...so im guessing I missed somethin....But if that tank has only been set up for 5 days, you shouldnt have any corals in there...

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you missed something...:)


I purchased Anthony's tank, already cycled, complete w/ live sand, rock, livestock, and water (I even toted home the same water)


So while it may not be perfectly happy, it shouldn't be too traumatized...;)

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Hi Jill,  wow...the tank looks nice!!  i think it looked even better than when i had it  ^_^  you did a great job!

i loev that LR you got there..even with striped shrrom..i think the little polyp like thing is anemone dusters or some type of hitch hicker polyps..but they look cool..

well..keep us all posted..  T_T  sorry about the crab...

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IT's STick/Tree Polyp


Quick Stats

Family: Zoanthidae

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Color Form: Tan, Brown

Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace elements

Reef Compatible: Yes

Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4

Water Flow: Medium

Light: High

Dominance: Semi-aggressive

Placement: Medium

Care Level: Moderate


Acrozoanthus Stick Polyps are colonial animals with multiple tan or brown individual polyps attached to the discarded or dead tubes of tubeworms or fanworms. The colony is also referred to as Encrusting Stick Anemones, or Tree Polyps. The polyps have long tentacles and the ability to sting other polyps or corals, although the sting is not strong.


Stick/Tree Polyps are semi-aggressive and need space between their own colony and other corals. They require a high light level combined with a medium water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, they also require the addition of iodine and other trace elements to the water.


They will reproduce in the reef aquarium on their own by budding (splitting off a portion of their base or mouth), if adequate water quality parameters are maintained.


The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within their bodies provide the majority of their nutritional requirements through photosynthesis. The remainder of their nutritional requirements will need to be provided in the form of regular weekly feedings of micro-plankton or brine shrimp.

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great tank amanda. i too was wondering how you had all those corals in there after only 5 days.

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Regarding your emerald crab, I thought I'd share something that I went through with my mithrax...


...I had him for about a week or two, and then noticed that he had "died", found him upside down in the tank.  I retrieved him and threw him away.  I didn't mention this to my wife.  About two weeks later, she told me that she had found the mithrax crab dead, upside down (DARK green looking thing), retrieved him and threw him away.  


A few days after that, I noticed that I had a very large mithrax crab in my tank...happily eating away on this and that.  I finally realized that the crab had moulted a couple of times, and that the shell was so dark (and I didn't pick at it) that it was really just the SHELL, and not the whole crab!


Now, your crab may have actually died...but MAYBE the same thing is happening to your crab!


Just a thought (and an interesting story, IMHO)...

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lol....actually have some new pics, and I hope to have a website up with the pics soon...:)

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