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Do you think I have enough current?


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I just started a 5.5 gal that is currently cycling. There are pics in the members nano reefs section. On it I have the Aquaclear 150 and 200. Do you guys think with the 2 Aquaclears that I need a small powerhead in there to add some current or is that enough? From what I can tell there is decent flow vertically but Im not so sure about horizontally. I plan on keeping mostly LPS cuz I only have 2x13w PCs. Thanks for any input.

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LPS are going to get huge in a 5 gal. you are really going to be limited on space very shortly.

Pick ONE LPS as a centerpiece and go from there.


AND 2 x 13 W is no where near enough to support them.


your flow is fine.


if you decide to add a small head later, it would be ok also as it all depends on what corals you intend to keep.

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Thanks for the response. I was thinkin of having maybe 2 small LPS and if they get too big I will move them to my bigger tank. I guess it was late last night cuz what I meant to say is I will be keeping mostly LPS and shrooms.


You say 2x13w isnt enough for LPS, then what do you suggest? I know the shrooms will be fine but what other kind of corals would be acceptable in my tank with its current lighting?

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