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nano or hottub?


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Ok, so here is the story i added my lights on my fuge, (13w blue light from walmart) and i get home the next day and check the tank out HOLY COW!!! the temp is almost 89. Well i pull the plug on the lights and decide to pull the heater just in case. So come to find out the heat was bad, checked it in a 5gal bucket and in an hour it got up to 115. Guess that after 4 years the heater was done with. Well here is my question. This happened last Friday and i was wondering what you guys think about the chance of these corals coming back?




tree coral sunday

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They should come back. 89 isnt that incredibly high. my tank got that high once and everything survived so i think your gonna be fine.

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thanks for you encouragement guys. when i got home tonight the toadstool looked much better, the tree did not look any better, maybe worse, and the hammer has not changed, yesterday it released a white almost slime, is that good?


thanks again.

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