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10 gallons of steeze


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Ive never seen bumblebee snails around here. If I do see some Ill get em for sure they look pretty cool reminds me of D. leucomelas. I like hermit crabs so Im probably gonna get some Ill definitely put extra shells in the tank for them.

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i have an overflow just like that ive had it for 10months now and it works awesome but mine goes to the sump i have it on a 20g with a 10g sump your tank looks great def time for clean up crew

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Bumble bees suck. Get a few blue leg hermits, a few extra shells (so they can change homes) and go with a few cerith snails and maybe a couple astreas, IMO ceriths are a lot better than astreas... should be good to go.

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so the overflow pipe works as a skimmer, taking off the gunk on the surface? would that be enough to replace a surface skimmer in a 10 gal?

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I would also recommend using another powerhead. Most LFS's don't give the most reliable information. A majority of them rely on very outdated information and concepts. You might also want to mount them using the other hanger that attaches to the top of the tank. If you use the suction cups one day you will look into your tank and the powerhead will be laying on the sand and half of your corals will be covered.

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this has probably been asked and answered before, but where did you get the idea to use the filter for a fuge? Are there plans drawn up somewhere? I wanted to add a fuge to my 36g bow front but a 10g can't fit under the tank so I'm lost on what to do now.


How wide is that specific filter you moded? I have less than 4" from the wall to work with and was thinking of just getting a small 7g bowfront and turning that into a fuge/sump but it seemed like a bad idea for how small it was. Would be awesome to find a good HOB fuge alternative that would fit the ~4" parameter.

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this has probably been asked and answered before, but where did you get the idea to use the filter for a fuge? Are there plans drawn up somewhere? I wanted to add a fuge to my 36g bow front but a 10g can't fit under the tank so I'm lost on what to do now.


How wide is that specific filter you moded? I have less than 4" from the wall to work with and was thinking of just getting a small 7g bowfront and turning that into a fuge/sump but it seemed like a bad idea for how small it was. Would be awesome to find a good HOB fuge alternative that would fit the ~4" parameter.



AC110 mod

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The overflow does take gunk and film of the surface. I don’t know if it would be enough to replace a surface skimmer but it’s been working great for me.



I got the info from pretty reliable reef store I have just about 300gph of flow. That isn’t enough? The sand gets blown around and is shaped by the flow in a few areas. If I where to get another powerhead then I would have to change the rockscape which I really don’t wanna do.

I switched the suction cup mount to the hang on one



I'm using an aquaclear50 its 7" long I doubt you could get a HOB fuge that could fit in a 4" space



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The overflow does take gunk and film of the surface. I don’t know if it would be enough to replace a surface skimmer but it’s been working great for me.



I got the info from pretty reliable reef store I have just about 300gph of flow. That isn’t enough? The sand gets blown around and is shaped by the flow in a few areas. If I where to get another powerhead then I would have to change the rockscape which I really don’t wanna do.

I switched the suction cup mount to the hang on one



I'm using an aquaclear50 its 7" long I doubt you could get a HOB fuge that could fit in a 4" space




The length isn't a concern. There is nothing on the back of thr aquarium but my AquaC remora. the width of the unit is my concern because the tank is sitting about 4" away from the wall. Happen to know how wide the box is that hangs on the back the aquarium? I can pull my tank maybe to the 4.5" mark but much more then that and I wouldn't be able to move things out of my room and such.

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At one time I was using an AC110 and 3 Maxi-Jet 400's on a wavemaker in my 10g. The key is in having alternating flow patterns. Laminar flow(all the same, all the time) doesn't simulate the natural environment. These are all just suggestions. Feel free to try whatever you see fit.

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awe I was to late posting sorry

I understand now the filters sitting 3" away from the side of the tank so it would fit. I'm not sure on larger AC sizes though.

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Hey everyone just an update


I got a percula clown fish last monday. At first he just stayed in one corner but now hes been swimming all over the place.


I got a zoo frag and a closed brain and I got a polyp


heres a FTS












and the clown



Im still getting the hang of taking pics with a magnifying glass


Ive been doing weekly 2 gallon water changes and my levels have been perfect.



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wow. (my first time ive seen this thread) i love the way u did ur overflow. ur making me want to do that to my pcio. i never thought of that. great idea. and thats a nice tank u have set up. keep up the good work. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

r u in high school or collage or what im a freshman in high school so just wondering


nice job on the tank!!!!! im copying ur overflow idea~!

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  • 10 months later...

wow I haven't updated this thread in a long time.


well for awhile I neglected the tank I didn't do very many water changes and well it just didn't look very good


but recently I started gettin back into it soo here are some pics of it








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I figure I should mention I upgraded the lights to a coralife 2 x 65 watt PC because the ballast on the odysea crapped out it was because of that my tank over heated and my royal gramma died as well as a mushroom


so I got a new fish yesterday its a black and white clown I'll get pics up later.


I also got a new heater since the $10 one I got sucked and never shut off so I had to keep unplugging it and plugging it back in to keep the temp somewhat constant so I got a good quality one and its fine now.


oh and the hammer coral that I have doesn't look much like hammer coral but it doesn't quite look like a torch or frogspawn either. Ill get better pics of it.

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