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10 gallons of steeze


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here are some pics of my soon to be set up tank


Im planning on getting a clown fish and a royal gramma

I was gonna add coral once I get the fish and the tanks cycled

any sugestions on coral?

I wanna get bright coral like lime green blue red orange yellow you know that kinda stuff!


I have an oddysea 24 inch 65 watt compact fluorescent light fixture


aquaclear 50 for a fuge Ill be cutting a part out of the lid for the light

the light for the fuge is a 13 watt compact fluorescent


2 crappy clip on LED book light for moon lights the light was acually white but I painted the lense blue

Ill be making a better moonlight soon


maxi jet 400

so I have about 300 gph of flow maybe a bit below that Im not exacly sure


50 watt heater


I also have an auto top off in the making


Ill be getting live rock tomorrow and Ill be setting it up so Ill post pics when I do


here are the pics




the fuge



overflow and heater






tell me what you think!


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Looks good what did you make the overflow out of? it looks like you cut the slots backwards as the slanted part is normally on the inside to reduce splashing. I think you also may end up cutting more slots to keep up with the flow.

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Looks good what did you make the overflow out of? it looks like you cut the slots backwards as the slanted part is normally on the inside to reduce splashing. I think you also may end up cutting more slots to keep up with the flow.


I made it out of that PVC piping stuff I got the idea from a member on RC. I did a water test and there seems to be enough flow going through the slots. Ill post a video when its full of water


Looks nice. Good job with the overflow too.



looks good what type of fish and coral do you plan on keeping


Im planning on keeping a clown fish and a royal gramma

for coral I was hoping on getting...

torch coral, zoas, frogspawn, pipe organ, blastos, bubble coral, leathers, mushrooms, and xenia Im pretty sure those will do alright?


thanks for the replies

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I got some live rock today

Im gonna be getting some more soon

heres an updated pic



and a video of it in action



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Looks like you're off to a good start. I like the black sand.


BTW, nice pumilio! I've got some dendrobates too! There's a lot of people who like both hobbies, ah the colors!

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Okay, for starters don't add a fish for a month or so blah blah blah ammonia blah blah blah nitrites. Corals start with mushrooms, zoas, leathers. In a month or two LPS such as frogspawn and other euphylliads. Then once you feel comfy add blastos and such nonsense. Dont spend a ton of money just to see it die, make sure you can give it proper conditions.


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I wont be adding fish for awhile so the tank will have plenty of time to cycle and such Ill add clean up crew though when its done... Ill definitely get the easier corals first and Ill definitely take my time Im in no rush to get this thing set up


Ill be getting more live rock either monday or tuesday and Ill be getting a test kit very very soon

hopefully all the additional things will be done by next weekk



BTW, nice pumilio! I've got some dendrobates too! There's a lot of people who like both hobbies, ah the colors!


Thanks! definitely got into this hobby from dart frogs. seeing all those photos of aquariums on dendroboard made me wanna get one...

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Something I just noticed.


Does the overflow lead to a sump or anything? Or is it just to hide the heater and AC 50?


If you're not going to have a sump, then water will evaporate from the overflow, and it looks like a pretty small space, so it'll probably go dry in a few days. I would put an automatic topoff in there if I were you, or else you'll be adding topoff water daily.


If you've got a sump, no worries :)


Also, with the live rock against the sides, it'll be difficult to clean the glass, maybe rearrange the rocks so there's about 2-4inches of free space from the galss to the rocks on ALL sides. It'll make your life easier. Finally, I wouldn't get any more live rock, when you start buying corals, the tank will fill up fast, so I'd rather have less live rock with more space, JMO.

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dude that overflow is tight!


Do you mind if i take the idea for it and do it on my future 20 long? Except i'm making my square and i'm gonna have two aquaclears instead of one.

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the over flow is to hide the intake tube for the ac and the heater but the ac draws its water from the overflow and puts it back into the tank so the waters always moving in it and the overflow skims the surface so when the film goes into the over flow it mixes and isnt in the main part of the tank


I have an auto top off in the making it just needs some more tweaks till its done


the aquascaping isnt final I just put the rocks in there when I set it up so Ill be changing it later on. Ill only be getting 2 or 3 more pounds of live rock I wanna get another piece to go onto of the rock on the right and a bunch of little pieces to kinda blend it all in.



go ahead and use it It isnt really my idea I got it from a member on RC

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Looks good, I like it;the only thing I would suggest is to add another Maxi-Jet 400 on the other side.


Great job on construction overall,


Good Luck! :D

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NanoGuy153 I used ABS piping from home depot I cut it in half and cut the slots in it.


penguin69 I was planning on getting another powerhead but I was told from a really good LFS that it wouldnt be necessary...

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hmmm... that overflow gives me an idea.



was there any specific tool you used to cut the slits in the pvc so cleanly? every time i try something like that it ends up a little jagged

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I used a table saw to cut the pipe in half and to cut the slots in.


when I do a water change Im planning on drilling a few holes in the side of it so the fuge doesnt just get water from the surface plus if the ATO fails it should still stay full of water.


my rocks starting to turn brown and the waters much clearer now Ill post a pic tomorrow sometime.

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here are some updated pics its getting pretty brown




left side


right side



I got some new rock that I will be picking up tomorrow and I plan on getting a test kit to so Ill post what I findd

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hey its looking good. my only concern is cleaning where the rock almost touches it. i would move the rock a little away from the glass. but if you want to leave it there then may i reccomend Cjerome's Nimble.

http://www.nimblenano.com/. it would probably be thin enough so that you dont have to leave it to move it too much. good luck!





the overflow idea is great!

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nanoDarth thanks! I ordered a nimble a couple days ago too


heres an updated pic witht he new live rock



I also got a test kit to so heres what I found

pH 8.4

alkalinity 4.5

ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 0.1

so Im pretty sure my cycles done

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I played around with the rocks a bit and heres a pic



Im pretty darn happy with it now and I wont be changing I think


I added the fuge light and will be getting some macro algae this week hopefully

also the fuge lights just a normal 13 watt PC bulb that came with the desk lamp. should I be getting a 50/50 bulb or something?

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Looks good, throw in a few snails and hermits to clean the algae... ;)


10 astrea snails and 10-15 bumblebee snails (do the same job as hermits PLUS they don't kill your other snails for a bigger shell) oughta do it. good lookin tank so far!

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