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Coral Vue Hydros

32 gal nano-reef setup


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I've been lurking here for a couple of months, I’ve learned a lot and have a question. My LFS (Something Fishy, Richfield MN) has a reef setup that comes all inclusive. The tank is a 32 gal acrylic with front rounded corners and a built in wet-dry filter on the back that I would use as a fuge. Details below:



Venturi Protein Skimmer

Jalli 2 Bulb Lighting Fixture

55w daylight

55 actinic

Jalli 150 W Titanium Heater


The above with tank is $450.


I can also buy livestock as listed below:


40# Live Sand

40# Live rock

Kent Reef Start Kit

32 gals R.O. water

12 red leg crabs

12 asst. algae snails


The livestock would cost $229.57 with tank setup.


Does this sound like a good deal? Would I be better off finding a 20 gal high or something similar and use an old 10 gal as a fug?


I’m torn... Any suggestions?





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I am sorry to inform you, but a 32 gallon tank is not a nano so you are not allowed in this forum. Muhahahah! Just kidding. :)


If it was me though, I would buy a tank that I wanted and build it with the equipment I wanted to use rather that be forced to use with what is in a kit. I also don't like acrylic. It scratches and is a PITA to clean the coraline algae off the side.



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Fritz, in my not so humble opinion, read, read, read. I resarced reef tanks for years before I set one up because I had to keep moving, due to my job. Having said that, I must say that reef tanks are only as difficult as you make them. I knew seasoned (I mean YEARS AND YEARS seasoned) fresh water tankers that told me it was too hard too set up a reef tank. My prior experience was having a betta in a bowl before I did it. After reading everything I could get my hands on I decided the "Berlin" system seemed the easiest and most forgiving. Buy a 30 gal. tank and stand, put about 12-20 lbs of live rock in it, some live sand, a protein skimmer, I use a skilter filter, use the right lighting dependent upon what you really want in there. (a lot of corals can be kept under florescent light) and go from there. Brush up on your high school chemistry and make sure you get a good test kit and do 10% weekly water changes, it's easier on you and your critters. Don't let anyone sell you a bunch of crap you don't need. If you keep corals you will want to dose with kalkwasser and feed phytoplankton. If you really want to do it,you can keep it simple and not spend a bunch on equipment. I've generally found package deals to be a waste unless it's already the system you have in mind. GOOD LUCK> GET REEFIN!!!

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Fritz, in my not so humble opinion, read, read, read. I resarced reef tanks for years before I set one up because I had to keep moving, due to my job. Having said that, I must say that reef tanks are only as difficult as you make them. I knew seasoned (I mean YEARS AND YEARS seasoned) fresh water tankers that told me it was too hard too set up a reef tank. My prior experience was having a betta in a bowl before I did it. After reading everything I could get my hands on I decided the "Berlin" system seemed the easiest and most forgiving. Buy a 30 gal. tank and stand, put about 12-20 lbs of live rock in it, some live sand, a protein skimmer, I use a skilter filter, use the right lighting dependent upon what you really want in there. (a lot of corals can be kept under florescent light) and go from there. Brush up on your high school chemistry and make sure you get a good test kit and do 10% weekly water changes, it's easier on you and your critters. Don't let anyone sell you a bunch of crap you don't need. If you keep corals you will want to dose with kalkwasser and feed phytoplankton. If you really want to do it,you can keep it simple and not spend a bunch on equipment. I've generally found package deals to be a waste unless it's already the system you have in mind. GOOD LUCK> GET REEFIN!!!

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