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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My new 18gal cube


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Hello all, I am new to the site and new to nano reefs and thought I would take this change to introduce myself and show you a few shots of my tank.


I have had several FOWLR tanks in the past the largest being a Oceanic 58gal show. I had limited success at best but this was in the mid to late 90's when wed drys were the rage and internet information was limited. This time around I have I hope to have more success and be more patient with my tank (it also helps to have a much better income than when I was in High School!!)


My tank is an 18gal acrylic cube that I bought from eBay. For lighting I am going to try two 28 watt PC's (one daylight and one actinic) because that is all that would fit into the hood. I may go to a 70MH later if these don't work out.


Here are some specs:


Tank: 18gal cube with built in fuge'

Stand: Pier One Imports nightstand

Lights: 2 28w PC's

Main Pump: Rio 600

Circulation Pumps: 2 tiny external transformer powerheads (forget the brand name)

Heater: 100w Ebo Jager


To install the lights in the hood I needed to a spacer to mount the reflectors so that I could glue them to the inside of the hood. For this I just used some simple PVC end caps.




Here are the reflectors after being mounted in the hood.


Here is a shot with the bulbs and wiring installed.


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Here is a top shot of the tank that show the false rear wall making up what will become the in-tank fuge'.


Here is a side shot, the area behind the powerhead will be blocked off with an 11" tall acrylic sheet creating an in-tank fuge' area.


Here are a few shots of the tank and stand together.


This shot shows how well the tanks fits on the stand, I can't believe I found something ready made that fits this well!!


Here are a few pics with the lights on.




These were all taken on Friday and on Saturday I was able to add the acrylic piece to create the fuge' area and fill the tank with RO water and live sand. All the pumps are doing well and I hope to add a shipment of live rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater later this week. Future plans include an auto top off system and separate lighting for the fuge', and lots of life. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. More pics to follow

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deacon hemp

Thats a tight cube tank and stand combo,can wait to see it filled with coral.Do u know what your going to stock it with?

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I think for now I'm just going to go with some of the easy stuff to get started and progress as the tank matures. I'm going to have the live rock on Friday so at least I will have something cool to look at. After the cycle I want to get a fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp maybe some zoos and pulseing zenia. I think I'm going with 3 fish, a royal gramma false percula and a six line wrasse.

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Looks great so far! I love the stand!!! If you can have someone make you a matching canopy (not that it needs one) that would look sweet!! Well keep us updated.


BTW where are you located? I always have some xenia frags

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Thanks for the comments. I think the stand really makes it look great too. I'm in Atlanta so I might be better off getting some frags local. I hear there is a good reef club in town and they have frag trading nights so I need to go to one of those.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thats an awesome set up... YOu got the tank off Ebay? Who is it made by? custom? I am thinking about building something very similar, but if someone out there is building them for a decent price I may have to go that route.

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