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My Alife 7

My Alife 7

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the light is 9 inches long i dont have an end cap it has the 3 prongs ans the slots just connect mine is 9 inche if u click on the information link at the top of this page youll see a  subgject and it talks about lighting good info???? also iu recomend this book if u get it readit cover to cover natural reef aquariums by john h tullock very good he uses  a couple of systems gives some levrage on what were doing vrey good book cam barr

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Cam barr,


When can we see some pictures? I want to see how your tank is turning out so far... (and also how the champagne color tank looks..) Alife 7.

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hey alife youve benn a great help ive  posted a topic in the lounge section about gettin a new digi cam mine craped out arggggggggggg so all help would be appreaheated cam

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they came with the tank evry thing came with it i highly recomed u getting one if u can find one i got mine for 110 and evry thing is built in very nice cam

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a problem with my tank yesterday... For some reason, my lights didn't turn on... I plugged it into a bunch of different outlets but nothing... I took it back to the LFS that I bought it from and they were shocked that it wasn't working. Instead of taking a look at the lights to see what the problem was, they just opened up a brand new box and took the hood out of that one and just gave it to me!! Told me not a problem, that I have a 1 year warranty with the store!! If anything happens to the hood or if the tank leaks or anything, they'll replace right then and there for free!! YEEAAAH!!

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Quote: from My Alife 7 on 12:01 pm on April 29, 2002[br]I had a problem with my tank yesterday... For some reason, my lights didn't turn on... I plugged it into a bunch of different outlets but nothing... I took it back to the LFS that I bought it from and they were shocked that it wasn't working. Instead of taking a look at the lights to see what the problem was, they just opened up a brand new box and took the hood out of that one and just gave it to me!! Told me not a problem, that I have a 1 year warranty with the store!! If anything happens to the hood or if the tank leaks or anything, they'll replace right then and there for free!! YEEAAAH!!


This is addressed to everyone who owns an ALife tank or anyone who is going to purchase one in the near future.  I'm only quoting My ALife 7 because he brought it up.


I was talking to my LFS about how great these tanks were and how I have never had any problems with it.  He was surprised to hear me say that because all that ALife tanks that he has sold have had problems with their lights not turning on at some point in time.  All  these tanks were having problems except for mine.


He believes that the light fixtures used for these tanks are very fragile.  It turns out that most of the light problems occurred a little after the hood was handled incorrectly in most of the returned tanks.


I know I have had trouble a few times with my hood slipping from my grip and slamming down onto my tank.  Owners of these tanks should try to handle the hoods and fixtures very carefully to prevent these light failures.

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My Alife 7

Thats true, for the people who have these tanks, you know that if you try to keep the hood open when holding the little opening part of the hood (the place you open to feed..) that it could potentially slip out of your hand and SLAM right back onto the tank. It did happen to me and I think that's why the light didn't work... I always lift the hood by gripping its side now so it won't slip from my hand and slam back on to the aquarium.

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My Alife 7

Here's the latest pic of my tank. I just recently added some green star polyps, my first ever coral!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have any personal experience with the Alife 7, but I did read a post from another MB about problems with the lighting.  They indicated that the fixtures will, over time, rust due to moisture.  One person posted that he took the hood apart and some screw and other parts were all rusted.


I think Kent Marine make a product for salt creep.  I think it's Salt Creep Eliminator.  I wonder if this was sprayed on the equipment in the hood...would this take care of that problem.

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My Alife 7

I've only had this tank for about 2 months but I haven't seen any signs of rusting. The only part of the lights that has any type of moisture on it is the plastic thing covering the lights and even that barely has any moisture on it.

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hey alife i took out the whitesediment filter cuz i think that was causing some problems do u still have yours in also what else do u add i add saliflert calcium and kent marine buffer any thing else i should add


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My Alife 7

I actually have been using a different filter pad for a while now cause the white one got to old and dirty. I just bought a different filter pad at my LFS in it's place. I currently use seachem reef complete calcium, reef plus vitamin supplements, and seachem iodide. I'm also placed a pouch of Phos-X in the back sump to help keep the nitrates and phosphates low.

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