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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My Alife 7

My Alife 7

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WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO i just got my tank this thing is soooooo rad mine is in the champange i like this color alot  ill  scan some pics on the comp soon also i dident know that there was a delux hoos ive seen  fans that would fit in the back two vent slots u can but them at raido shack for 6 bucks each???????? will post pics soon i love this tank buy the way i got a deal on mine 125 with 4 pounds lr

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alright got my tank got 10 lbs sand rock is at lfs awating the pic up now why did u take out the bio balls and the blace sponge????? i guess this small of a nano dosent need bio filtration but if i left  them in would it hurt????? also on your rio  in side the tank what do u have on it did u retro fit it with somthing???? or did that deffuser come W/ a rio upgrade kit????? i have one rio 90 thats in my cichlid tank taht im gonna Clean with salt water and ill buy the other one when i pic up my lr just need to know whare u got the diffuser thing thanks posting pics in the next couple of days cameron barr

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The little plastic tube (about 1.5 inches) that connects the black plastic elbow to the long plastic tube... I had to go to a hardware store to buy another piece similar to that to connect it to the other end of the long plastic tube so it would fit onto my Rio90. The Rio90 should've come with an assortment of attachments. One of those attachments should fit onto the plastic tube. (The one that connects the long plastic tube to the plastic black elbow thingy.) Man... reading that over was really confusing... I hope you understood some of that...

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hey thanks for the tips i got the elbo pipe for my rio whare did u get the peice that  looks like a flat nossle and what size pipe did u get for the rio 90 im ready to set up i got some pics ill up lode tonight cam

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The flat nossle is suppose to come with the Rio90. (If you don't have it, your LFS should sell attachments for the Rio...) I'm not sure what size the pipe was... I just took the piece of pipe that came with the Alife and compared it to other sizes and bought what was similar in size.

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Hello all.  This tank is great.  I have had a 50gal reef going for 2 1/2 years and have been contemplating doing a nano for the last 6mos.  Last December, I saw the Alife tank at my LFS and knew that the moment had arrived for me to embark on my nano adventure.  Unfortunately, all of the LFS in the NY area only have the basic tank (13w bulb without the fans)  After two months of searching online and offline I settled for the basic version with the hopes of upgrading the light to 27w.  I even emailed and called the manufacturer, Haifeng Corp. in Taiwan with no success.  Right now, I only have liverock and live sand in it with one worm rock.  Probably will not add anymore corals until I upgrade the lighting.  Can any of you guys who have the Deluxe version please forward me the name and phone number of the place you got it from?  I am looking to get 1 or 2 more.

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Thank you.  They refused to ship the tank to me b/c they do ship tanks.  However, they will try to get the hood for me. (Hood is the only difference between the the standard and deluxe models) Thanks again.

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StatiKShocK ...it is the most frustrating thing.  I have been searching for months to no avail.  The good thing is that I was able to look at it in the LFS.  I found out from my call to Aquatic Warehouse that they get the deluxe ones because the owner knows someone who travels to China frequently and orders the tank for them.  All of the Chinese owned LFS's here in NY that carry the tank only carry the standard model and they all say that they cannot get the deluxe model.  Doesn't make sense to me.  But, in my opinion...very worthwhile tank to get for the money.  It is a huge step up from the eclipse and just about good as the $250-$300 Tenecor nano tanks.

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Now that you mention it... my LFS is runned by an Asian family. And the other LFS in my area, the manager of the saltwater sections is Asian as well... Maybe that's why they have the Alife tanks...? I to have searched the internet for information about these tanks but also have found nothing. I even looked on eBay for one but even eBay doesn't have it, and they have everything!!

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StatiKShocK ...it is the most frustrating thing.  I have been searching for months to no avail.  The good thing is that I was able to look at it in the LFS.  I found out from my call to Aquatic Warehouse that they get the deluxe ones because the owner knows someone who travels to China frequently and orders the tank for them.  All of the Chinese owned LFS's here in NY that carry the tank only carry the standard model and they all say that they cannot get the deluxe model.  Doesn't make sense to me.  But, in my opinion...very worthwhile tank to get for the money.  It is a huge step up from the eclipse and just about good as the $250-$300 Tenecor nano tanks.

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LOL! I had the same problem! I went back to the LFS so they could show me how. What you do is just lift the hood like you normally would when opening it, then while its open, you have to push the hood away from the tank (at the two tabs) so that the two tabs that connect the hood and the tank come apart. At first I was afraid that if you pull back too hard, that the tabs for the hoods would break but it won't. (It shouldn't I should say..) If youre still uncertain, ask your LFS, they'll show you how, IT'S VERY SIMPLE!

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thanks just tryed it almoast craped my pants i thought it waz goin to break but it came off very eazy thanks for the help cam

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hey alife my tank is still cycling and ive had it up for a week i still change my water right????? and if so i do 15% right  also my output hole in the top fight corner is spitten bubbles should i add or take out water??? cam barr

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From what I've read, you're not suppose to do a partial water change until the cycling process is complete. (I myself, didn't do any water changes during this period) To get rid of the bubbles, just add a little bit more water. My water level is a tad bit over the high water level. That should get rid of the bubbles.

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will do i also found a huce bistle worm in my rock it was like 4 inches long and i only have 6 pounds of roch i frmoved him i might of choped him in half o well??? thanks for the help cam barr

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hey guys and gals its me just wanted to say that my lfs is sooooo rad i come in to get some ro and the guy who i know was worken i traded in some cichlida from my 20 cichlid tank and i walk out with two test kits and two free mushrooms and a gal of free ro all for two fish!!!!!!!!i hope the two shroom wont put any bio load on my tank also i forun a rad little green harry shroom growing on the  back of my rock it pretty cool hugh

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how long is your tank? im getting a mini bow 7 and i think they are the same length  how many watts are your lights?,Chris

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hey my tank is about the same size but i have the filter/ sump built in the back so min actuall tank is prob a littke smaller i run 27 wat smat light its pirfivt not to bright for lethers but not to dull for stonycorls

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