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My Alife 7

My Alife 7

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Here are some pictures of my new Alife tank. It's a 7 gallon glass tank with a curved front. Has a built in filter, 27 watt (18w white/ 9w actinic) stock lighting with a built in cooling fan on top of the hood.  I was using an Eclipse 6 gal. before but that was WAAY TOO DIFFICULT to take care of. This tank is much easier to take care of! (I dunno why I can't post all my pictures at once so I'm gonna have to do them individually...)






(Edited by My Alife 7 at 9:03 am on April 29, 2002)

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Here's an overhead shot of my tank, in the back, there's a built in filter.





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:04 am on April 26, 2002)

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Here's a closer look at the filter. On the far left, that was where the bio balls were suppose to be but after reading some of your comments, I took them out and smashed them... :) I placed the heater in there instead.





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:04 am on April 26, 2002)

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On the hood, there's a 4cm built in lamp fan to keep the hood nice and cool.





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:05 am on April 26, 2002)

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This tank also has two built in hood stand open thingys (yup thats the name of it... :) ) that keeps the hood open for you while you're cleaning or doing whatever inside the tank so you never have to remove the hood. (My old eclipse 6 gal. couldn't do that!!! to the right of my nano is my fire belly toad tank :) )





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:05 am on April 26, 2002)

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And here's a picture of my tank with all the lights off in my room. My whole room turns blue when I have the lights on on my tank. I think it looks neat...





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:06 am on April 26, 2002)

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And here's a picture of my awesome peppermint shrimp. He's got a lot of personality!





(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:07 am on April 26, 2002)

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Tank looks great!  I can't wait until I get the tank that Chris is making for me right now!  I hope I can be as good as you guys on landscaping these things! :)

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I'm not really sure... there is room for some extra lighting but then you would have to play around with the original lighting to try to add another bulb under there. I don't think it's worth it... The original lighting already is 27 watts (18w white/9watt actinic) so you don't really have to add anymore lighting to the tank.

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nice tank ive seen thes ant one of my lfs do u like them and who makes them also what kind of  filter does it have

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So far, I love this tank, no problems with it at all. Nu Dimension Inc. makes these tanks, they're located in Nan-Tou, Tawain. Here's a picture of the "filter working process" that was on the box.




Bio balls and bio sponge are gone, the only thing in the filter now is the white filter pad (which for some reason isn't pictured on the box...) and a small pouch of Hagen "PHOS-X", which helps trap phosphate, nitrate, and nitrite. The guy at my LFS recommended it.


(Edited by My Alife 7 at 1:11 am on April 8, 2002)



(Edited by My Alife 7 at 11:09 am on April 26, 2002)

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hey whare do u live  do u live in orange county?????????? im actually going to get one of these i saw one in my lfs and thought that they rocked ill post pics soon

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Cam barr,


I live in San Diego... just wondering, how much does your LFS sell these tanks for? Mine was pretty expensive, just curious if it might be cheaper up there... Do try to post some pics, I'd like to see how your LFS set up one of these tanks.

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Looks great!  Did you notice there is a space for an additional light that you can mount directly above the sump?  I haven't tried it yet but looks like you can use the sump as a refugium.  I "doctored" your pic but there is an arrow indicating the space I was talking about


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hey i think my lfs sells a fresh water and a reef version the reef tank sells for 125 i think and the fresh sells for110 the fresh has only i 13 watt pc instead of 125 watter ill keep u posted i should have it  some time this week as soon as i get some checks cashed!!!!!!! ill send some picks as soon as i get it !!!!!!!!

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That space that you've placed arrow at isn't directly over the sump, it's actually over the tank still... I have no clue how to alter these pics but the black area below the empty space you have your arrow at is actually the space above the sump. With a little creativity, you probably could add a light there as well!

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Hi My Alife 7,

Great to see pics of your set-up. I noticed you added the Rio inside the tank. You could pull the stock pump and install the Rio in its place. They should be the same size. Have fun with your nano.

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Rick J G,


I actually have two Rio 90's running in my tank. One's in the back filter replacing the weak powerhead that it came with, and the other Rio is the one you see in the tank. I felt there wasn't enough water movement with just one Rio in the back filter so I added another one. :) And by the way, Rick also has an Alife tank, he has pictures of his tank in this section under "Out of the box Nano Update"... And anyone with comments on what I should add to my tank are welcome to post!


(Edited by My Alife 7 at 7:02 pm on April 8, 2002)



(Edited by My Alife 7 at 7:04 pm on April 8, 2002)

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he he he i put one on hold today i will be buying it tomarrow after school whoooo hooooooo there were only 2 left and i got one  muhahahahahahaha

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yup im driven over to my lfs to pic it up im gonna put 10 lbs or arag alive by carib sea and i know the oner so ill prob get a couple pounds of lr for free!!!! there is still one more i might just buy it and sell it to a fellow nano reefer or someone could send me a check and i could buy it and ship it out i know thw owner so ill be getting these badboys cheap 95 bucks a peice soo ill keep u guys updated with pics and specs cameron barr!!!!!

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