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Pod Your Reef

Nano finally stocked.  Website updated.


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great tank leonard. very "technologicaly advanced". when you say north pacific can you give us details as to off of what continent/country?

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It originally started at as a pure Marshall Island Hamileda biotope, but I kinda diverged from the original aim since corals and anemones are irresistable.  So now it's more of a mixed Marshall's biotope then anything else.


Bottom line is, I wanted my two fishes comfortable and decided to make a suitable habitat for them.  

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Wow!  If that tank were a car, it would be a Mercedes Benz.  (I guess mine would be a jeep).  Nice tank and website.  All the photos are really good too.  

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that's a great looking tank!  very sharp look with the raised lights.  beautiful touch of aquascaping with the brain coral.

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

Great aquascaping! I like your look better than the skyscraper thing that most people go for! Very nice coral selection. Where do you live that you would need a chiller?

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My Alife 7

Nice looking tank, I wish I would've taken pictures along the way like you did.. great pictorial you have there!

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Thanks folks.


To answer the questions:

Anemone hasn't moved yet.  Anemones rarely move if they're happy with where they are.


I live in Los Angeles.  The halides plus the summer heat makes a chiller necessary (or else temps get over 90).  I prefer not using a fan over this nano because of the small water volume (high evap) and because it's in my bedroom (humidity and noise).

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Whoa that is one awsome and beautiful tank!!!  Great Aquascaping!!  So how much did those fish cost you man?  

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The setup is great.  Where'd you get that awesome lighting?  Also, I had read about that firefish somewhere (wanted to score a pair for my tank when I first set it up) but I remember reading that they perferred lower light and cooler water.  I guess either I am remembering incorrectly or the book was wrong.

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I changed the tank description from 10 gallonst to 8.  It was sold to me as a 10 gallon, but when I added water, it clearly only held about 7 gallons.


The lighting is, for the most part, DIY.  It came with one PC inside it, and I gutted it out and DIYed the 70W MH/actinics into the fixture.


Helfrich's firefish are usually collected from moderately deep waters, and so are accusomted to dimmer lights and slighly cooler temperatures (still above 76 though).  However, I've found that almost every deepwater fish (some anthias exempt) will acclimate to "standard" reef aquarium conditions without any problems.  The firefish has adpated just fine.  The only concern I have for it is the same as all other firefish: that they jump.


The firefish was $100, and wrasse was $200.  I got the firefish at a great price (usually they're about $150-200), and the wrasse was a bargain for it's innate rarity.  Expensive still, I know, but I decided to splurge on the only two fish that were going to occupy this tank.


The tank itself was pretty expensive ... IIRC, about $150 with the PC.

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$300 for two tiny fish. that's amazing. i tell you my friend you are probably the envy of most of this board with the set up you have. both those fish are very  nice and probably have even more interesting behaviors.

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I've seen a good number of awesome nanos on this site, so I'm not sure if I believe I'm the envy of anyone ;)  I did spend a little more money on "exotic" specimens, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're better.  FWIW, I don't think the Johnsoni wrasse is all that spectacular; I got it mainly because of how rare it is, and the fact it stays small.  There are dozens of other small fish that are more beautiful for a fraction of the price.  But after 10+ years in the hobby, i find I can only get my "fish fixes" with the rarer species (a very bad habit, btw!).


Key to anything reef-related is patience.  That's one reason I decided to do a pictorial chronology: to show that it takes time for any reef to mature.  


Thanks again for the compliments.

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Quote: from Leonard on 4:26 pm on July 2, 2002[br] Key to anything reef-related is patience.


Amen to that! Patience will win the race, but it is so difficult to be patient. :)


Great looking tank and website. Keep up the good work!

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  • 2 years later...

Awesome to see some rare fish in a nano. Your tank looks really good, and its great that your trying to theme it in relation to the biotope the fish are located in.


My only concern is tank size. I would feel much more at ease with $300 worth of fish, having a little more territory and space to roam. I guess with all the fish I've kept in 10 gallons (Blennies, 6-Line, Damsel) They seemed a little cramped even though they stayed small.


I'm not trying to knock your tank, you've done a really good job, and your patience and care really shows. Just a thought. Good luck with this tank.



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