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Coral Vue Hydros

a simple 4g setup


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well i was at the LFS yesterday getting some loc-line adaptors, then i began to walk the isles and found a cool little AGA 4 gallon pico... measures 10" x 10" x 11" i decided i had to get it, and stocked it with about 4.5# of cured LR from another tank. here's some pics...








i added my d.i.y. refugium (AC 300) and i see no need to add any other powerheads for added current.


i also painted the back a dark grey, everyone seems to do black, i thought i'd change it up a bit.


the light may seem big on top, but its really only a 13" 28w 50/50 bulb.


sorry the pictures are so big, they shouldnt be this big... photobucket sure messes things up sometimes. :huh:

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O_o when did AGA start making these? I'd deffinately buy one.



Anyway, nice lookin tank so far, except for the ghetto light ;) One of the small dual Coralife fixtures might fit nicely over this, perhaps their 2x18w.

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im not sure when AGA started making these... but it was surely a steal at only $15 w/ the glass hood.


the light may not look pretty, but ghetto it is not... i bought the bulb with this fixture in mind. may not be nano-reef photo worthy, but it gets the job done. :)


i have had the coralife 2x18w fixture before (i was never very impressed-mainly because of heat), but with a budget in mind, and i had everything needed for this tank to run well, i thought why not use what i already have. (things tried and true, reliable) so thats why i went with that fixture.



thanks for commenting!

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thx, since im keeping it simple, im thinking im only going to add a fish and some photosynthesis corals... im thinking a yellow watchman goby, or a domino damsel. what other corals live off of photosynthesis besides GSP?


and one more question, what is the purpose of a Kalk drip, and how do you make one?


and... has anyone heard of "araga-milk?" -its just ground up powdered pure aragonite- but what extra benefit does that do for sps?

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1) Tons of coral are photosynthetic, SPS, LPS and softies.


2) A Kalk drip drips water with a very high calcium content into your tank, sometimes with a seperate dosing pump sometimes with your top off water. It's to supply corals with enough calcium to maintain a healthy skeleton. Mainly for SPS coral.


3) I imagine the araga-milk is for buffering purposes, so the pH stays at a nice level.


Both a Kalk drip and the araga-milk seem like overkill for such a small tank. The two part B-Ionic dosing kits would be easier.


If you're interested in dosing your tank, you need to read up on calcium and alkilnity. Both of those go hand in hand and not having one balanced to the other defeats the purpose of dosing in the first place. You also want to buy the test kits for both so you can accurately guage how much your system needs.


Here's a brief explanation of them:




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thx, yeah i wasnt really considering using the araga-milk (who knows where i found that idea-couldnt find it on the forums) and the kalk drip. for my nanocube, maybe, still not needed. i had just ALWAYS seen people on here doing kalk drips, so i was at a loss for what it was intended for. thx for the info and the link. i have always done a 2g water change each week on my 12g NC (prolly closer to 9-10g) and im going to do a 1g water change on my 4g. may sound excessive, but my NC inhabitants seem to love it. thx for the reminder on the test kits, my current ones are getting kinda old, time to upgrade and renew.

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yeah every now and then i take a trip to my favorite LFS here north of the valley: www.aquatouch.com its about a 35 mile drive outa my way. but its worth the trip everytime. and everytime i have been there i see something new, such as this handsome lil cube. you might could do a search online for these, i really have no idea where you might purchase one otherwise. the plastic molding around the base and lid are very thick as apposed to the kind that AGA makes (well the ones you would purchase at petco or petsmart).

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