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Maxima Clam / Alife tank an experiment in breaking the rules of MH


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Power compact bulbs looses their PAR intensity after ~5months of use



Now I have head from several Aquarists that PC bulbs last almost a year before the PAR looses to much intensity. I thought that was the big debate between PC's and NO Florecents, and the size of course.



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Originally posted by LiQuiD


can i burn acoustic too?


in this thread:



posts this picture:



with this quote:

"So I spent lots of cash on corals. My fiance went ballistic in a good way and bought me a coral. She now wants a tank of her own. SIGH"


and it was bugging me for a few days that i saw a picture JUST like that (no not the avatar)


one of anthony's old sell pages here:


image url: http://ayreef.tripod.com/pictures/white_ri...ordia_macro.jpg


please don't edit your posts/threads, just explain :happy:

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Ok here's the deal:


1) I don't have any camera in any shape or form.


So I have to resort to using pics I picked up on the net. None of the pictures above are of any of my actual live stock.


I just noticed that noone responds to posts without the little paperclip sign, so I provide a little eye candy and boom 100 replies.

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THAT IS MY PICTURE!!! errrrr..


j/k man..i am glad people like the pictures i took..i don't mind people using them for whatever their purposes..I just bough a new toy..Olympus C-4000..and this puppy will shoot Macros like no tomorrow!! I will post new pics soon..

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Growing fast? That's the main problem with clams, they grow FAST, one of the old puget sound clubmembers had a maxima he grew from a small clam, to a 18" monster, wont even fit in a nano tank.


Makes it hard to keep up with the ca/dkh demand too, water changes wont cut it on a nano with a clam, unless the clam is sick, or the water change is over 75 %

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Once large enough they will need photosynthesis and will rely on it more than phyto, so if your clam gets big that'd be cool to see if it works.

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  • 1 month later...

The clam is now sold to a friend with a metal halide lit tank. It started to turn brown so I aired on the side of caution.

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LOL - experiment didn't go like you planned huh.


i still think nothing but MH's for these guys



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