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Just set up my new nano- will this work?


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I have had my 20 gal (not really a nano IMO!) for over three years and am fairly successful at it. so I'm not a newbie to reefing just nano-ing!! After seeing this cool web site, I gave in to the intrigue today and bought a 2.5 that I will eventually move to my work. ANYWHO... enough bable...


My question is:

I got the 2.5 tank and took water from my main to put in it. I also took some sand from my main and some LR from my refugium (that still has some coraline on it). What should I expect to happen w/ my water parameters since it shouldn't have to cycle right? I put a HOB filter w/ a carbon pad in it and another carbon bag because the pad's probably worn out (mostly using it to clean up debree). I am ordering a 2X13w retrofit from AH Supply I might add a third if it'll fit. The bulbs will be the 1/2 actinic 03 - 1/2 10,000k bulbs from Hello Lights . Will all this work? I plan to keep a really small fish, maybe a catalina goby, or a six line. Some zoanthids, may some mushrooms, xenia, small sarcophyton and a hippopus clam. Is there anything else I should do? I don't know much about the techniques of nano-keeping yet, so thanks in advance for your help!!!






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As with all things nano, only time will tell. Give it a shot and if it works out, send us pictures. :)


Extremely small tanks require alot more attention. Make sure you take that extra time into account.

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I can already tell this is going to be dang fun!! I need to pick up a heater. Any suggestions for a nice small one that won't fill up my tank?


Here is a pic. it's about 12 hours old now!







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deacon hemp

I'd say your plan is good,although i would scrap the idea of the

clam just my opinion.btw did you have a mini cycle or is it done?

i just added water,sand,and rock from my main tank to a 3.5

yesterday,i wonder if i get the same results?nice rock too.

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I don't know, I haven't checked for a cycle yet. I doubt it thought since all the rock, sand, and water was from my established system. Yeah, I'm pretty leary about the clam idea too. My plan w/ that is to wait and see how stable I can keep my water, and if I can keep it good, then add it after a while!! Again, I'm still new to nano-ing and will be learning the ropes as I go.





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