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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My new eclipse 12


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Welp..  Here it is.  My 12 gallon eclipse with 32 watt CSL PCs.  The rock is about 80% dead lace rock, with some liverock from my 3 gallon thrown in.  I'm waiting for the lace rock to become live rock on its own.  I have a minijet 404, and I'm running the filter without the biowheel or carbon.  The tank is now almost a month old.  Lemme know what you think.  


Here is the tank with no life when I first set it up.



Here it is after the addition of live rock and sand.  At this point it has completely cycled.  And I just added the frogspawn and candycane a couple days ago.  



Here is my new frogspawn fully extended.  It actually has 2 "heads"


From another angle...


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hey nice tank. How long have you had it set up for? I would add a backgound so that it brings out the frogspawn more in your tank. Get a close up of the candy cane if you can.

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Hey Congrats!!    Looks cool.  I like the caves.  The frogspawn looks really nice.   I'll trade you a xenia frag and some zoanthids for a frogspawn frag. :D  


Looks like you're getting the "red slime" on your substrate already.  That's frustrating.  Maybe I'll lend you my conch.  He cleared mine up.

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Those eclipse tanks are beautiful, it's just to bad their made of acrylic... nice looking setup you have so far, what type of fish are you planning to add in the future?

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The tank has been running since June 1, 2002.  


I had a pic of the candycane posted a long time ago.  It was in the members' section posts, and it was in pictures of my 3 gallon.  I'll try to get another pic of it though when I get a chance.   Its not even extended in this pic.


As for fish....   I don't think I'm going to get one for a long time.  I have to be away from home for weeks at a time and I won't be able to feed a fish.  Right now I just want to get coral.  I'll eventually get some zenia, some more trumpet coral, maybe a leather of some sort...  I'm also going to add my neon orange polyps and some mushrooms from my 3 gallon.


The frogspawn is going to be the main piece, and I hope to eventually have ALL the rocks covered with polyps and mushrooms.

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nice looking tank man. its gonna be a long and tiddy process turning those rocks into LR, encrusted with coralline. look at my tank, those yellow rocks were base rock. after 4 months, only tiny spots of coralline. BTW, when you frag that frogspawn, give me a holla.

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:dance:  NEW UPDATE!  :dance:


Here's my tank 1 month old.  Notice the green on the rocks.  There are also specs of corraline aglae growing all over it.   Weeee!  Sorry its a little blurry.



Eferna.....Here's a candycane closeup.  I got it for $2 because my LFS thought it was dead when I bought it.


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hey korbin (or any other eclipse 12 owners) what are the measurements on those tanks without the hood on it?  Especially the height?  

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Sorry, I havent found a ruler to measure my tank.   You might find the dimensions on the Marineland website though.


But I did take some pics of my 3 gallon.  These are right after a 75% water change.  hehe.... errr......ugh.

I let it get pretty nasty for awhile, so I figured I better make up for it.




and here's a lousy shot of the coolest zoanthids in the world.  Oh, can you see the baby mushrooms to the right of the green mushroom?  They're almost clear.


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Lookin good, Korbin.  That candycane is sweet.  I love the colors.


By the way, my xenia is ready to give you a chunk next time I see you.  I've got a 2 incher on a small rock by itself for you.

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That 3G tank has awesome coralline growth.  How long has it been running?


I really like the colours of the Zooanthids.

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It's been going since January.  Its kind of funny, because the tank is at a point where I can't get rid of the corralline.  Not that I try to get rid of it!  But I scraped a lot off to dump the shavings into my 12 gallon and it just grew right back really quick.


Also, it is only growing about 3 inches from the surface because i emptied a lot of water when I moved the tank.  That killed a bunch of it.


Its funny though, becuase even with all that growth, it never covered the top of that flat rock on top.  It's still green.  

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