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I am setting us 5-8 small tank for some research that I am performing . Thinking 10 gal tanks.


My question is what are you useing for filtration and lighting in these small Nano tank. I have to consider cost due to the amount of tanks that I am setting up.


Any help would be helpful.


Best Regards,



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Super novice

I have yet to set up my tank but I am going to use only LR and LS for filtration as I believe most are on their own nano's.

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Barry, for nanos most people are going just LR/LS with some water movement or maybe a small HOB filter. I like the small aquaclears they are easy to throw all kinds of media in and move a fair amount of water to boot. Not many people skim most do small water changes. I run a refugium for filtration on mine with a tray for polyfilter/carbon/whatever in the path of water from overflow and it works great. For low cost I'd go AC or Whisper hang on back. Just my .02 c I am sure others will have input.


For lighting there is a whole gamut of opinions. To keep things on the cheap maybe see if anyone in SoCal sells the 4 bulb 65k PC clamp lights? You can also get the 13 watt clamp lights for about 15 bucks each. For the most part lighting if you want it done right is still not really cheap cheap.


Looking forward to buying some clams from you someday when I get lights upgraded on my 75 :)

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Thanks so much for the feed back..


I was looking at the AC hang on back, I will check those lights out at Champion as I think I still have a account there. :)


We always have lot of clams. Just let me know. I hope that I won't be booted from this BB for saying that :)



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Are the nano's for clams ? Try using 150w iwasaki 65k bulbs.

I myself use a 400w 14k on my 20g and my crocea loves it, always has a new white shell proving that it grows well. For filteration i use a HOB skimmer and occasionally carbon in a HOB filter

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assuming you're going to connect multiple tanks together and different types of clams. you could opt for a dsb/algae refugium filtration system in one of the tanks. this allows for proper buffering, microfauna (to feed the juvies), and flora filtration. you mentioned it wasn't for long-term so the dsb shouldn't be an issue imo.


you could stagger the tanks to allow gravity feeding via bulkheads. the higher tanks would be lit closest to the low intensities at the bottom tanks. in that fashion you should be able to get away with just using a lot of NO's or a couple of vho's. going the width dimension you should be able light up to four tanks with 2x110W vho's.


if they're all going to be independent tanks to maintain separate controls then i'd just opt for small penguin bio-wheels. the wheels would process the wastes but leave the nitrates for the clams to consume. the light option is still usable tho. hth

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Thanks tinyreef,


if they're all going to be independent tanks to maintain separate controls then i'd just opt for small penguin bio-wheels. the wheels would process the wastes but leave the nitrates for the clams to consume. the light option is still usable tho. hth


That is exactly what I want to do. :)



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Very cool. Are you using tridacnids in general or one specific species? Planning on publishing the results? I'd be interested in seeing the outcome of this.

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You may or may not know but feeding Traidacid clams is an on going debate. There are ofcourse many veribals to consider as everyone is not using the same application when it comes to keeping live speciments in the closed aquarium. Buffers, water, salt mix, lighting and so on.


Keeping as many clams as I do, I feel I know the out come of the test results but to have anything published it must be control and all results documented.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by BarryN

Yes these tank are for juvenile clam so won't require a high intense light.




Please by all means explain this statement.

before my ...



I sense a siezure coming on....

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i think the statement means, as i understand it, and have previously understood it...that juvenile clams...<3 inches rely more on filtration feeding than symbiotic photosynthetic microorganisms for their well-being...the larger clams require more light and less filterfeeding.....but it looks like all clams can benefit from feeding...

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Yeah, all clams need feeding. Smaller clams do not have enough photosynthetic ability to capture energy from light in the first place. There's just not enough surface area on their mantels to provide enough, so more feeding comes in, and lighting is just not as useful at that stage.





Sick picture BTW.

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