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which urchins stays small and is reef safe? i heard most eat coraline algae. are they any that dont. also i need one that stays real small. i have hair algae and i was told to get an urchin. i try to do a search, but do to time constraint, i couldnt be very through with the search. please forgive the inconvience. but anyone out there keep an urchin that is reef safe and small enough for a 20g? preferrably as small as possible. thanks you

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i think tuxedos are reef safe upto a point. i think abs had one in his tanks for a little bit untill it out grew it and was startn to cause trouble,Chris

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stupid @#%*$# urchins! you want urchins? i'll give you urchins! :P


the spines aren't so much the issue rather that they bowl thing over and hide during the day. i would've put up with mine eating my out of coralline and knocking over my frags as long as i could see it during the day (they are kewl! B) ). i finally banished it to the sump after breaking off a couple of spines prying it off my LR.

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I have a tuxedo in my 46. The thing's about plum-size and I've had no problems so far. He's out during the day too, for the most part. Doesn't really put a dent in the coralline, and I've read that they can actually help it to spread. I don't have any sensative corals in this tank, otherwise I would reconsider. He goes where he wants to go, with little regard for what's in his way. BTW- some may remember a previous post about this guy. He's still wearing the small mat of GSP he draped himself with about a month ago. I haven't had the heart to take it away.

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Last spring an eraser sized urchin crawled out of my LR. Since then it has grown to about the size of a baseball. I run a soft coral tank and dont see any damage except to my fingers on occasion. The urchin is black and spiney. My corraline seems plentiful. In my sons tank is a Hawaiian urchin. It has pretty rose spines that are thick like a pencil. It hides a bit but is cool. Once in a while they knock things over but not too often. When they kick the bucket I will get a replacement. Anyone know how long they live?

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Dont get an Urchin. I had a longspine black in my 10g for a few months, he quadroopled in size easily. He ate corraline. His poop was worse to clean up than algae. They knocked over rocks and corals. He ate a Xenia frag. Dont get an urchin.

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I have two black spiny urchins that came as hitchhikers on my Gulf-View LR and they have increased in size dramatically over the past couple of months. I suppose I will have to take one or both to the LFS for credit once they start causing trouble :

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wow, thanks guys and gals. i think i willl stay away from urchins then. thank you all for all your imputs. saved me a lot of trouble since i was thinking about getting one. thank you all...your all my life savers. =)

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not in a nano. Bad idea. if you MUST have one, pencil urchins are slow growers as well as the pink caribbean ones they tend to be a bit more nimble.

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