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Cultivated Reef

Jay's 5 Gallon Galaxy 5 (eclipse)

Jay Fortay

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Jay Fortay

Here are some pics of my tank and my puppy :) hope you all like them!!!


Left side shot



Front of tank shot



Full tank and shot of refugium



...and 2 pictures of of the cutest puppy in the world....ZOE!!!!!!!!!






(Edited by Jay Fortay at 9:16 pm on July 4, 2002)

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Jay Fortay

Thank you chris for the help and the compliments!! :)


I have about 8 pounds of live sand, some baserock, and about 2 lbs of live rock.  


the puppy is a mini long-haired dachschund.  She is so good.  My girlfriend just got her, less than a week ago, she is 9 weeks old.

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Tell me more about which rocks were base rock and which were live rock in your tank.


I added a couple of pounds of LR and the rest is base rock in my tank too.  I'm wondering if the base rock turned out OK, and how long it took, etc...  which ones in the pic were base rock?

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Jay Fortay

from what I am told the base takes about 6 weeks to become "colonized"  the rock started showing coralline after about 3 weeks.  since coraline reproduces by spores, you are pretty much guaranteed coralline on the base eventually.  The only piece that is base in the tank is on the right side.  it turned green first and is now becoming covered in purple spots. its pretty exciting to watch :)

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well, if were gonna start showing puppy pics, here is my golden retriever, Shea (pronounced Shay). this is when she was just a puppy, she is now almost about 1 1/2.littleblufferpup.jpg

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Jay Fortay


 what a cute puppy :) , im planning on getting a yellow lab in august :)  dog's are so awesome.  water changes are so much smaller and easier with dogs too!!!

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Awwww......what cute puppies!!! I love the little dachunds, they can be so sweet! Labs are just the biggest babies too!


Nice nano Jay! Thanks for posting the pics!!

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Jay Fortay

thank you, and no problem, i finally learned how to post pics, and will continue to do so now that I know how :)

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Christopher Marks

I want to get a dachunds when I move out of the house.  Here's a picture of the family dog, Taylor Dario Marks


And here's a more recent one:


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awwwwwww...... hey chris why dont you post his pic up in the thread i started in the lounge.

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Nice tank.  

Whats the name of the tree like pink coral on the right had side?  Is it a colt coral?


Can you give me a few observations about this coral please--like does it shrink at night?  Does it fully open every day?  What are the good health signs?



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leave it to Alife to name his dog after a basketball player, sheesh lol (well, i named mine after Shea stadium, the stadium the NY Mets play in.)

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Well then sheesh yourself! LOL!


There would've been a problem if I had named my dog "Staples Center"... :lol:


(Edited by NaNO ReeFiN at 3:17 pm on July 5, 2002)

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Jay Fortay

The coral in question is a tonga tree leather, or lepanailia (extremely phonetic spelling).  It has opened like that everyday since I've had it.  It actively opens and closes its polyps all day long when disturbed.  it shrinks to be about 1/3 of the size at night.  I hope that answers all of your questions :)

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Happy Sunday!


Hey those dog pictures are great! I have been considering keeping a dog too. What type of tanks are you people using, lighting, filtration, etc..? I imagine those small dogs do well in a Nano type environment but that 130lb maneater would need at least a 55gal eh? :D




(seriously? nah.)

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