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Host Anemones for percula or ocellaris?


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I have a Pink-tip Haitian in my 10-gallon tank (w/ 2x36W PCs), and it's been doing great since I added it to my tank. Now I feel I can go for more challenging anemones. I also have a clownfish, but obviously both of them just ignore each other. So, this time, I want to get an anemone that will host my clownfish to see their interesting symbiotic relationship. I searched the web, but found conflicting information on what anemones host percula or ocellaris. Can anyone give me the definite answer?

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It is totally hit and miss man...


My first one hangs in the frogspawn (very cool with me).

I got another that didn't work out but while I had it it hung out with the heater!


I also know someone with a pair that just hang out in the outflow of an AquaClear filter.


Good luck to you. :)

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Occellaris and percula clowns will almost never ever inhabit a Haitian pink-tipped. They are from entirely different oceans. The Haitian will be like, hey dude, what's up (in Jamaican mon) and the clown will be like, "Hey I'm from L.A., or whatever!" It's not that simple, but basically it is. My best bets for ocellaris or perculas are sebae anenomes, or carpet anenomes which are really beautiful if you have room in your tank for one. As to your Haitian pink-tipped, have you considered adding a porcelain crab? The two will get along fabulously, and personally, I think watching a porcelain crab raking plankton from the water while hiding in his buddy is a cool thing to see!

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My true perc is hosting in a long tentacle anemone. He started feeding it today which was pretty cute. It's currently recovering from being sucked into the filter intake so I'm hoping it recovers, I swabbed the damaged area with dilute iodine and have been feeding heavy.

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Thank you guys for the help!





When you say "porcelain crab", do you mean "anemone crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus)"? It would be nice to add anemone crab. Do you think it is possible to keep more than one porcelain crab in a 10-gallon tank? Also, do you think it is ok to mix two different species of anemones in my tank (e.g. pink-tip and carpet......etc)?

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Again, bear with me if I am flooding here, my inet access is very sorry. By porcelain crab, I meant Petrolisthes ohshimai which does very well with Haitians. And they're sooo darned cute! They will adapt to almost any anenome, and if lacking one, will move to a coral. I definately think your 10 gal is too small for a carpet but then again, everything I've ever read about anenomes says one per 55 gal. Well, I have 4 absolutely thriving in my 55 gal , not to mention a couple dozen soft and LPS corals as well as seven fish and numerous other inverts, so who knows? Just make sure your anenomes have lots of room and your Haitian is not roaming around if you put in another one, (they WILL fight if put close together and you will end up with a slimy mess) !! Good luck to you

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Again, bear with me if I am flooding here, my inet access is very sorry. By porcelain crab, I meant Petrolisthes ohshimai which does very well with Haitians. And they're sooo darned cute! They will adapt to almost any anenome, and if lacking one, will move to a coral. I definately think your 10 gal is too small for a carpet but then again, everything I've ever read about anenomes says one per 55 gal. Well, I have 4 absolutely thriving in my 55 gal , not to mention a couple dozen soft and LPS corals as well as seven fish and numerous other inverts, so who knows? Just make sure your anenomes have lots of room and your Haitian is not roaming around if you put in another one, (they WILL fight if put close together and you will end up with a slimy mess) !! Good luck to you

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I believe that the natural hosts for Perculas are carpet and sebae anemones. There are specific carpets and seabae's but I can't remember the names. They will take to most Heteractis sp., Stichodactyla sp., and BTAs and though. Condies are not host anemones for any fish. A clown may take to it, but that doesn't mean the anemone won't eat it for lunch. :)


I would not try to keep any Heteractis sp. or Stichodactyla sp. in a 10-gallon tank. A BTA would be the best choice. They don't get as large and are much easier to keep. I really don't think that most anemones should be kept in small tanks, but the choice is yours. I would try a captive raised BTA clone. It would really be your best bet.

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for larger anemones, you will need substantialy more light. 250 W halide range.


as a long standing supporter of symbiotic relationships and proper coral husbandry, anemones are without a doubt NOT the best thing to keep. there are a few awesome post onthem I think Printerdown made mention in a thread as to the hazards of anemones and the unlikelyhood of longterm sucess.


Personaly, I don't carry anemones anymore except for Hets, Condys, and Heitatians with the occasional captive bred BTA .


You could use justabout any soft coral for them and they will be happy. Try a capnella tree.


EDIT: link http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...=&threadid=4895

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