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Here is the side of my fox coral... I moved it and noticed this thing on the side, it looks kind of like a sea squirt.



pictures from left to right








a picture of my sump


Some skimming


The plumbing




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yes it is... I like a lot of the lower light corals personally so instead of getting those and bleaching them with high light I just use PCs

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why thank you :-)

yeah, the forums make you feel a lot more limited than what you really are when you have PCs just because they all have HO T5's and Halides and the works... we just cant keep acros or clams and a few others but for the most part thats it

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I'll go ahead and post a few specs now that I have time

40 Breeder (36x18x18)- actually holes 45g of water though... weird

20g long H/Q tank

Oceanic Model 1 Sump (roughly a 20g)

Mag 7 return pump, used to be a 12 but temperature ran high

Reef Octopus NW 150 Protein Skimmer

5g kent Liquidoser topping off w/ RO and eventually Kalkwaser once I get the drip figured out so I dont OD

Micron Sock upon entry to sump and another sponge upon exit with carbon


1.5" drain 3/4" return

Lighting- 196w of PC

Everything in the tank is DIY, I drilled it and made the over flow box and did the plumbing etc.

Live Stock

Inverts- Fire Shrimp, Skunk Cleaner, 2 Strombus Conch, Astrea, bumblebee, tongan nassarius snails, blue leg, red leg, cortez hermit crabs, porcelain, pom-pom, and emerald crabs, feather duster

Fish- Blue spot jawfish, Chevron tang, Ocellaris Clown

Coral- Blasto, Acan, Hammer, Torch, Fox, Zoas, Shrooms, Rics, Favia



Having some temperature issues so i have a fan blowing on the sump and it sits at 80 than but with out it sits at approx 84 degrees. I cant decide whether or not to get a different skimmer (ASM G Mini) or constantly keep the fan blowing on the sump and fight evaperation like crazy or to get a chiller.

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Here are some updated pictures of new corals that I have gotten

New blue ricordia that my girlfriend had to have



and the new blasto that I had to have




Now just some pictures of some of the inverts



The above picture is of my porcelain crab, you have to look kinda hard and than the next one is a picture of my fire shrimp w ho is always out


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tonight I started to drip kalkwasser into the system since I found the speed that I must have the drip at in order to keep up with the fan so I'll be sure and keep you all posted with how well I think it works. Also I noticed the ricordia is dividing into two. Another thing I would like to point out is how much better I like using instant ocean rather than red sea salt. I dont seem to be having nearly as many algae problems as before. kudos to IO

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tonight I started to drip kalkwasser into the system since I found the speed that I must have the drip at in order to keep up with the fan so I'll be sure and keep you all posted with how well I think it works. Also I noticed the ricordia is dividing into two. Another thing I would like to point out is how much better I like using instant ocean rather than red sea salt. I dont seem to be having nearly as many algae problems as before. kudos to IO



I hope you realize that kalwasser has a ph of over 12. Be careful in that size of a tank. :)

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yeah, Im aware... thats why I waited to start dosing until I took note exactly of the rate at which it should be dripped in at. it really isnt that small of a tank, including water from the sump and skimmer and such it winds up being about 60 gallons. It takes approx a whole day to drip in a gallon of the water so Im going at a slow enough pase to where I will not shock the system

thank you very much for the concern though... I honestly do appreciate it

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RIP Chevron tang, he didnt make it through crypt... the tank will never be the same with out him. He passed away after a week spent at the brothers house dog sitting and the temperature went sky high and developed a case of crypt so I yanked him and put him in a hospital tank for a couple of weeks and treated him and I came home from work today and he passed

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thank you, now Im just basically trying to figure out what fish to put in there... all I have is an Ocellaris. Im in no hurry though. I got a bunch more LR and a few more corals since then and will post pictures soon

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the corals i've gotten since were a large colt coral, zoa rock, and clove polyps and another that i forgot the name of...

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  • 3 weeks later...

much has been done since my last update and many of decisions have been made since than... I have come up with the executive decision that my tank shall be a red sea biotope just because the fish are not common and I just think it will be pretty savvy... now Im not going to take it as far as only having red sea native critters down to hermits,LR,shrimp, sea stars and corals but the fish all will be.

This all started when I purchased my baby red sea purple tang I began to fall in love with the RS. I started doing research and decided that a nice pair of Amphiprion bicinctus because no one has those... Im also a huge fan of dottybacks so I will most likely go with a fridmani and than a RS mimic blenny and call it quits... but I have gotten some RS native corals such as a nice favia and an acan lord. now just to find some pulsing xenia

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  • 2 weeks later...

I upgraded my lighting tonight from the PCs to this lighting fixture. Im excited to see how good my corals do, I just love the shimmer effect, I figured it was a good time to do the upgrade since the summer is almost over so heat issues should not be quite as good. I went with this fixture because I will still be able to have select areas that will be good for my lower light corals. I am going to start to save up for a chiller though, just in case things get out of hand, but im pretty confident in the fixture not producing to much heat, its about a foot over water. I am going to have to re-arrange the rock work so that I do not have all of my low light corals (blastos, acans, fox) under the MH. I am going to work on this later on today when I wake up for a little while. I will take updated pictures at this time as well.... until than

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looks good kyle. :D


i like your oulophyllia. one of my favorite corals. :D when you are ready to frag it, let me know. good looking echinata too. we should trade morphs sometime.

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lol the oulophyilia is almost dead... Travis gave it to me to try and bring back. thanks though. what acans do you have? I still need to get some of those eagle eye zoas from you guys

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Looking good. Have you considered changing the stock coralife bulb? I've always heard that they're garbage compared to other bulbs, and now that I've got one next to a Phoenix 14,000K, I'd have to agree. I'm saving up to put another phoenix bulb in my other light.

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I may have to look into it, first things first though lol. I really like the light a lot, the cool thing is, my tank actually runs cooler than before! weird. I think when it is time to upgrade bulbs I'll look into the phoenix but I just got the light so I cant see spending more $ yet on a bulb that is still better than the old lights. My next big spend is going to be a refractometer.

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the ouli looks alive in the pic... too bad if it's dying. those are awesome corals. I told dan they have red skeletons and he didnt believe me until he saw a half dead specimen one day. you should make fun of him. you dont get many chances. muhahahaaaa.

otherwise we have a couple A. echinata colonies (rainbow, orange mottled, and light blue mottled) and a candy colored lordhowensis from PB.

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