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Flower pot Anenome? carpet?


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Okay after talking to a number of people a lot of them say that an anenome is hard to keep in a nano-reef. To my knowledge the flower pot anenome does not move around as much as the carpet. I would love to keep an anemone. Has anyone had any success in keeping an anenome(flower or carpet)  in a nano-reef( preferably 15 gal or less)

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when you say flower pot anemone, are you referring to goniopora?  I have never heard of a flower pot anemone.  In my opinion, I would not even try to keep an anemone in a tank less than 15g.  I have a sebae in my 50 gal under 275w lighting and that's just barely enough.  Also, even though my anemone was just 3" when I bought it, now it is over 14".  That's pretty big for a 15g or less.  Carpet anemones are known to get even bigger (if they survive) and have higher demands for light than most any other anemone.  If you are bent on getting an anemone then I'd recommend that you locate a captive raised bubble-tip anemone and try that.  Be sure that your lighting is adequate though or you'll be wasting money.  Here's my anemone and clown.




By the way, the tomato clown is about 3 1/2"-4" long.  It is one of the largest I've seen.


(Edited by jjharrisx4 at 4:37 pm on July 2, 2002)

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you know what after reading a whole bunch on carpet anenomies I decided not to get one. The flower pot anenome i am talking about is not the goniopora, but an actualy species of anenome.

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do you have a full name for it, or maybe a pic...I'm curious.


By the way...Good decision on the carpet.  Good luck!

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My LFS calls it that. I am pretty sure that they gave it that name. Its actually a blood red anenome. I dont have a pic of it. Hopefully i can find one online.

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Are you referring to the flower anemone? They come in different colors, I've seen them brown, green, and reddish but not blood red.

I have one in my tank, it came as a hitchhiker on some rock. Very little info on them out there. They grow to about 8" across, tend to be rather hardy, I have no info on the average lifespan in the aquarium, in the wild they are considered to have a lifespan like other anemones (around 100yrs), they like a low to moderate flow of water, light feedings, good lighting.





The only blood red anemone that comes to mind is a beadlet anemone, these are cold water animals that will not survive in the average aquarium.




Anemones are animals that don't do very well in the aquarium. Most don't live even one year. If you feel you must have an anemone, then it's extremely important not to put one in a new tank. They really need a mature stable tank, one that is at least 6 months old. (A year is even better). There is a very good article with links on the home page here that should be read by every potential owner.



(Edited by fishymissy at 6:08 pm on July 2, 2002)

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yeah i am referring to the flower anenome. I will go back to my LFS and see what the real name is. I really cant find any information online about them as you said.

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  • 9 months later...

Flower anemones are found in the atlantic in places like florida (could be other places as well, though) They do not host clowns. Period.


Now, that said, they are pretty cool looking. I received one as a throw-in freebie from an outfit in Florida: it's in my 65 gal.. It can be seen partially in this picture.maxi1.JPG


It is a white color with pinkish beige broder tentacles and a neon lemon yellow mouth. Mostly synthestic, but will occaisionally accept food. Has stayed put where I placed him 3 months ago in the sand right up against a rock.


Here's a picture to a picture of what mine resembles:flower_anemone.htm


from this site: http://www.knology.net/~jumpfrog/flower_anemone.htm


I will say that it is non-agrgressive & doesn't move, but grew from 3" across to 6" in 3 months. Fairly common and inexpensive ($6 mail order)



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