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Echos 2.5g pico sunlit

echo-bravo 4-19

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echo-bravo 4-19

well i stopped by my lfs to day and i bought a perfecto 2.5 g. i also bought 2 lbs of live rock. And to m suprise one of my rocks has got 11 of what me and whitenoodle bealieve to be hydroids. good or bad i like them so im not killing them , i dont even care if its aptista im not planning on putting in any corals or anything in it but maybe a pistol shrimp untill i get a light later on. i used water from my existing 10g and also some sand but i put a layer of new black sand over that its 12 inches long a little over 8inches tal and about 6 inches wide. ill stop by wal mart tomorrow andd get one of those mini water heaters and maybe a small fan sence its been raining here in my part of Va i havent realy got to see how much the sun will heat it up (btw that a 16 oz can and a bag of oceanc salt for 5g)







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echo-bravo 4-19

well today im going to home depot to get some plexiglass to make a top , and i i stole this idea of using an ive dripper thingy and filling up some sort of container with water and just let it drip in there and see how that goes any 1 have any ideas what i can u for flow or were i can get one of those mini mechanical filter so i can get some carbon in there? today i woke up and the tank is a bit foggy. i thinck what i thought were hydroids might just be Aptasia. and does any 1 have any ideas on what to put in here ?? im getting a canopy with 52 wat powercompacts

morning fts


The best picture i could take giving the peice of crap that im forced to call a camera


and for heat issues im going to get a small fan and make it blow directly on the taank and if that cools it to much ill put a heater in there.

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echo-bravo 4-19
Look likes it.

look a these





for now it will be sun lit but maybe later i will want a few things (shrooms and zoos ) so should i keep the aptasia . if not how do i kill it. maybe i can take it back to my lfs and exchange it

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the Red Sea Nano Filter is a good tiny filter for tanks 3g or smaller i have one on my 2.5g and it gives good flow

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The Keeper
for now it will be sun lit but maybe later i will want a few things (shrooms and zoos ) so should i keep the aptasia . if not how do i kill it. maybe i can take it back to my lfs and exchange it



If your not going to keep any corals, then it's fine to keep the aiptasia, it can actually help keep the tank clean. But if you dont keep corals in a 2.5g then what are you going to keep? Inverts? 2.5 gallon is too small to keep any fish.


If you decide to make a reef pico and keep some softies in there, I would kill the aiptasia, there are various methods, but the best ones require you to feed the aiptasia, so it has a full belly and cannot retract, and then injecting a variety of substanced (kalk paste, joes juice, vinegar, etc) into it. If your tank is empty, go ahead and use kalk powder mixed with water, since the resulting calcium swings from the injections won't effect anything. Inject it directly into its mouth and fill it up with kalk paste, it will die instantly..


After you kill them all, there will still be babies you can't see hiding everywhere. A peppermint shrimp is a cool inhabitant for a 2.5 that will eat all the aiptasias that survive the kalk holocaust.


Good luck, tank looks good.

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echo-bravo 4-19

well i was thincking maybe a red headed goby or some kind of shrimp the peperment sounds good but will it eat other things ??

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echo-bravo 4-19
it will eat the aptasia (which are different then Hydroids ;) )

i no that there diffrent than hidroids what i said is that at first we thought they were hydroids but now i no its apptisa

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echo-bravo 4-19

um tomorrow im going to get the biggest ac i can afford moding it into a fuge and putting my heater in it

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echo-bravo 4-19
forget the AC.. get a light!!!!

cant u read its sun lit for now heres the order ac then light then shrim and a red headed goby or red headed then shrimp and then some frags i realy need filtration as i can se my water isnt clear lol i dont meen to be meen just that i been telling u wat im gona do on aim lol

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