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Coral Vue Hydros

please observe a moment of silence for Bozo


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Boz the clown passed away some time during the night last night. He was an odd clown that liked to swim along the surface and he would playfully nip any fingers in the tank. He would often rub, bump and nudge a hand cleaning the tank. His owner, one Crakeur God McCrakeur had this to say about Bozo. "He was a clown."


Sadly, Bozo leaped from his tank and, in true clown fashion, landed in a plastic cup about 3 inches away.

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nothing in the cup, other than a dead fish and a plastic spoon.


Bozo's last great act was the amazing leap from a tank to a cup trick and he nailed it with the precision of a clown.

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Sorry for the loss Crakeur. It really sucks when you loose a fish. Will it have a burial at sea via the porcelin transportation unit or a land lubber one in Central Park?

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At least he is living a good life in fishy heaven with plenty of space to swim and mucho food. Oh wait, the fish commited suicide, he went to fishy hell where mantis shrimp roam. J/K


That's awful about your loss. :(

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my luck has changed a bit. I went to a lfs to see if they had any tiny tangs to take care of my algae problem (yes, it wwould be moved to a larger tank as soon as the algae is gone) and I saw a rock covered with hair algae and two baby lettuce nudis on it. I asked the dope who worked there if I could have the rock as I could scrape the pesky algae off and use it to grow some xenia onto. He said it was an old rock that had some polyps on it but they died so sure, I could have the rock.


I asked him to bag it with some water so as not to cause a rancid smell on the drive home and sure enough, he bagged my two lettuce nudis and sent me on my way.


Now they are chowing down on my caulerpa and, if they get the little tangs in, I will see if I still need it before subjecting one to the cramped space.

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Bad fish parent,

Unfunny thread poster,

now....... Thief.





derrrrr hence : use top glass.


As I have departe` wisdom and sarcasm, this concludes all I need to say now in this here thread.

X( lol

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sorry to hear about your fish man =(

Im sure he's in that big fish bowl in the sky.......


From the sound of things the slugs arent earning their keep huh?

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the slugs aren't doing a noticeable job but they are always at work. Small slugs do small work. The nudis I put in yesterday are about the same size as the slugs you sent me so I have effectively doubled the work output.

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shipping tonight. ;) be there in AM tuesday.


I doubt that a PH and some sand will bring back yer fish though..... unless you have a local witch Dr. handy in yer closet...... or MacGuiver.

that d00d can make anything work with some gum, a swiss army knife and some wire.

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Not looking to bring the clown back. It's in that big circus in the sky now. I just want the sand for my groves and the ph for some more water movement.


Dats all.


Thanks Dave.

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