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Girlfriend and Hermies > WHATS THE DEAL WITH THAT?


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Why do women love hermies sooooo much. Let me tell you my mistake was taking her down to the fish store. Oh look at them they're so cute you have to buy one. So needless to say my cleanup crew is not the optimum snails but HERMIES AHHHHHHHHHHH! I once tried to put my foot down and say I was getting rid of them for snails and my girl almost sacked me in the twig and giggle berries!


Here's a pic of one of my hermies for the ladies! :evil:

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My wife also has a thing for hermits. It's because they're small and cuter than regular crabs. I've got about 10-15 crabs in my 10g - she hates them all. All she cares to look at are the little hermits.


They're small, clumsy and cartoonish - at least she's giving the "ooohs and aaaahhs - issa quuuuttte wittle guy" act for your crabs and nothing on your person.


Get big snails, w/ Dough F**** wid Me attitudes. They'll do the job and won't get pestered.

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That hermit is a blue-knuckled hermit (Calcinus laevimanus), I bought one for a buck at the mall store when I started. When I bought a small Tridacna maxima months later, the hemit came out, flipped it over and stuck both claws in it's byssal opening. Needless to say the clam was a gonner after that.


Anyway, my LFS said those guys sell for $15, so I got $7.50 credit for it. Even at $15 it was sold the next day.

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My girl friends don't like the hermit crabs much, but they are Ga-Ga over the snails. Quote.. "Those spiked shelled (astrea) snails are sooooo cute with their tentecle and sucker thingies." It even hurts my feelings some when they describe my false clown (who has so much character) as... "Um, it's ok". X) Maybe the best tank to wow the ladies is a IOWLR (Inverterbrates only with live rock)???

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Maybe the best tank to wow the ladies is a IOWLR (Inverterbrates only with live rock)


One word: "SHRIMP!" Everyone who's looked at my tank says, "Nice fish," or, "Those (zoos and mushrooms) are weird." Then they see the cleaners or pepps hanging out in their respective spots. Then it's all, "Cool! You've got shrimp!"

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Crabs are my girlfriend's favorites too (the water-crabs, not the STD's)


I was going to throw them after they started irritating my zoos, but of course the boss says no. Also, I've got a blue-leg, a zebra, and a scarlet reef. Don't get a blue-leg.... They are mean bastards.

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