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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Gone Topless (AP 24G)? Prevent Jumpers My Way!


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So with my decision to lose the top on my 24G Aquapod, I had to come with a solution to the whole "Jumper" situation. I don't mind plunking down serious change.


So..... I bought some 1/8th Lucite. Spent 20 minutes with a fine-tooth jigsaw blade.


And well.... here are the results:





I'm planning to add small pieces of "bulkhead" to the backside to prevent anyone from jumping into the sump area.


Anyway, we'll call this "version 1.0". Who knows if this'll work long run


Gobies here I come!

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is that a sump in the back?
It's an AquaC Remora Hang-On-Back (HOB) skimmer. I like it so far, but I don't really have much of a bio-load yet (one fish, 3 shrimp, 12 hermits)


Edit: If you're referring to the general area (that is not covered by my plexi), then yes, that would be a sump. But all Aquacubes have the same back area. All I've really done is remove the top sponge. Water flows in the right compartment (through sponges), then past bio-balls, then into compartment 2 and sent into the main part of the tank. I've added some accessories, but I haven't done any cutting or major tank alterations.

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Yeah, I was refering to the sump. I've never seen/had an aquacube.


Can you post a better picture of your aquascape? Looks like you have a neet little arch in the left.





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Yeah, I was refering to the sump. I've never seen/had an aquacube.


Can you post a better picture of your aquascape? Looks like you have a neet little arch in the left.





Hi Chris. I'll post a few full tank shots when my tank gets a little bit older. But yeah, I did creat a pretty large shelf on that side of my tank. Since I have a metal halide fixture, I figured out that it would be a good idea to create the ability to have a variety of lighting.


Latest update on the lid: Traps too much heat (at night without lights!). I'm going to revise it with a square hole in the center to aid in feeding and heat dissipation. No biggie. I figured I was going to need at least one or two revisions

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LOL, lucite is just one of the brand-names for acrylic. I bought it from lowe's. To be honest, as you see it above, I was having slight condensation on the glass.


And since I've been too lazy to cut a central hole for air exchange, I have just been running topless.


I'll think about making one for you next time I get out my tools to drill/assemble my 30g tank. I used 1/8" plexi before and that was just a TINY bit too flimsy. I would probably go with 1/4" next time for a little bit of stiffness.

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I found that a good solution is to use Egg-Crate (reef rack stuff) as a top. It's fine enough to stop fish and shrimps jumping out, Snails and crabs can't hold onto it or fit through it, it allows air to flow through freely and hardly blocks any light (ratio of plastic to 'gap' is about 1:20...



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Oh, I'm quite familiar to with eggcrate. I'm waaaay to anal about my tank to have it. It blocks too much light and can create shadows.

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Oh, I'm quite familiar to with eggcrate. I'm waaaay to anal about my tank to have it. It blocks too much light and can create shadows.


Eggcrate does not block much light and it does not create shadows.


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Oh, I'm quite familiar to with eggcrate. I'm waaaay to anal about my tank to have it. It blocks too much light and can create shadows.


Interesting. I don't doubt what you're saying but I've never experienced any shadowing or light reduction. I guess it could depend how close you have it to your light - too close and you could possible block light from more angles I suppose. Still - if you're that anti-egg crate, the lucite will have to do! :)

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Why don't you drill one fair sized hole for lifting and fitting it onto the top of the tank and lots and lots of teeny teeny drill sized holes all over. That will help with heat exchange. When I get whatever fish I finally plan on getting sometime or other...that's what I've been planning on doing with an acrylic lid.


Good luck with whatever you choose.

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Yeah, the shadows I'm referring to are with my LEDs. Anyhow, the shadow issue is only one of several that makes eggcrate unacceptable for my personal use.


I know it is the default method everyone uses for jumper protection, but it's not for me.


Oh, and as far as light reduction is concerned, unless you used a light meter (with and without), you'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you when you say it doesn't reduce light intensity. It's not like I've got 400watts of light. Every bit counts. ;)

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unless you used a light meter ... I don't believe you


I used a light meter, and the egg crate did not make any impact whatsoever. For my light meter I used my corals, algea, and livestock.


Let us know what you end up using.



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