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Scooter Blenny/Dragonet


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I think these are awesome fish! My LFS gets them in like all the time and I thought of getting one. First of all, I wanted your opinions on how much tank space they need. Also, I would like to know if they are easier to train to eat frozen foods than other dragonets! According to what others have written in past posts, they are :D . Thank you for all of your input!!!


Also, my tank is a 20H that has live sand and about 15 or 20 pounds of liverock in it.

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unless you find one that is already eating frozen foods or a have a monster fuge, i wouldnt do it. beautiful fish that belong in the wild.

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I had two that were eaten (Emerald frozen entree) when I got them. I gave them to a friend, and they're still doing great.


I had 2 in a 10 gallon nano. One stayed in the front, the other in the back. (I think they were both female). The one that stayed in front was very personable, and enjoyed my presence.

Every feeding, I turned the pump off for 10-15 minutes.....very lackadaisical eaters. They'll scoot over the food and return later to eat. It's amazing they have survived in the wild. : )


They are hard as hell to catch.....be warned.

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Thank you for all your opinions. Also, do you think that I would be overloading my tank if I added this fish. I currently have one 2 inch clown and a pair of small yellow watchman gobies :happy: ! I have pretty good filtration and my water parameters are exellent.

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I had 2 (small) blennys and 2 (small) clowns together for about a month. My parameters were solid....though, I knew that was was stretching the limits and as they grew, things would change...not to mention the stress of being too crowded....that's why I gave the blennys away.

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unless you find one that is already eating frozen foods or a have a monster fuge, i wouldnt do it. beautiful fish that belong in the wild.

I agree! Two in a 10g for a little while proves nothing! These fish can take months to starve depending on thier condition when acquired.

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Fanof49ASU- How large was your tank?

12 gallon Nanocube......probably 9 1/2 gallons of water. The clowns at that time were around 3/4"-1 1/4" and the blennys were maybe 1 1/2 - 2". All were quite small.

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They're dragonets, just like Mandarin "gobies". Treat them as such...Large tank, very unlikely to eat frozen.

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I have a male and female in a 37g. They hunt all day for food and seems like they have bad eyesight and a very high metabolism. Their diet consists of mini mysis, newly hatched brine, and flying fish eggs. Since I feed twice a day for these guys, I run a mechanical filter w/ floss that I change every 3 days, a skimmer, and a hob refugium. I also have 1 clown, 2 cleaner shrimps, and assorted hermits to help keep the tank clean. They are very hefty now and I enjoy watching the male flirt w/ the female. Occasionally I get to see them do their mating swim/dance together. Would I buy these fish again knowing what I know now? Good question. I feel the tank is at its limit of fish for now because of the heavy feeding. Even though mine are thriving very well, I have mixed emotions concerning scooter blennies.


Julie V

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I got a good HOB fuge filled with macro, liverock, and live sand. Would this make a difference? Do you think I could get one if I took some macro out of the fuge twice a week and shook the pods out of it into my main tank? I will also be startind a pod pile. I will also make sure he/she is accepting frost foods and only use this as backup.I probably know what you are going to say though! :mellow:

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

scope them out at the pet store and find one thats eating. having kept both mandarin and scooter blennies, i gotta say the blennies (scooter dragonets) are much easier to get to eat frozen foods.

my scooter eats frozen mysis, brine,cyclopeeze,krill,ocean plankton, he's not picky at all. the mandarin on the other hand are very picky eaters.

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2- Thank you very much for the support. Since I know you have kept both male and female dragonet, I was wondering which one was easier to wean onto frozen foods? Was there a difference? Do you think I would be overcrowding my tank?( see above for stock list.)


The reason i am trying to buy a lot of stuff is because my lfs is going out of business. They aren't getting enough customers. :angry:

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Well, I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else. If its already eating, go for it!


Also, if you do get one, be sure to post pictures!

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Anachronos-Thank you sooooo much for the post. I will most likely be getting one after the Fourth of July if it will eat frozen. Do you think I would be overloading my tank?


Sorry but I can't post pictures because I do not have a digital camera.( I wish I could)


Also I will have to be watching my levels because I took off my filter and put on a HOB refugium. I checked my nitrates yesterday and they were 10. Today I checked them and they were like 40!!! I thought macroalgae helped remove nitrates. What could have gone wrong? :huh:

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Anachronos-Thank you sooooo much for the post. I will most likely be getting one after the Fourth of July if it will eat frozen. Do you think I would be overloading my tank?


You're welcome. As for overloading the tank, do you have any other fish in it?



Sorry but I can't post pictures because I do not have a digital camera.( I wish I could)


Lol, neither do I. :P



Also I will have to be watching my levels because I took off my filter and put on a HOB refugium. I checked my nitrates yesterday and they were 10. Today I checked them and they were like 40!!! I thought macroalgae helped remove nitrates. What could have gone wrong?


Macroalgae does help remove nitrates. No idea what went wrong. If you haven't already, do a water change.



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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2
formerly icyuodd/icyoud2- Thank you very much for the support. Since I know you have kept both male and female dragonet, I was wondering which one was easier to wean onto frozen foods? Was there a difference? Do you think I would be overcrowding my tank?( see above for stock list.)


The reason i am trying to buy a lot of stuff is because my lfs is going out of business. They aren't getting enough customers. :angry:


im not sure the male/female makes a difference when it comes to frozen foods. i believe age, length of time in the ocean has alot more to do with it.

get a small young mandarin. one that hasnt spent many years grazing on pods in the ocean.


btw my male ate frozen foods upon purchase, my female didnt. however, i'd say 90%of mandarin at the lfs are males. thier bigger/ bigger fins/ more colorful which makes for better sales.


i've had my female for a year and a half and she still only 2.5". my males double the size.

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