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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Feeding wild caught Nemos to Crabs


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One of the techniques we use when we take on some wild caught Amphiprion percula, is to toss them in our crab tank. We have a 10g with maybe 50 zebra crabs, 100 blue/red crabs and a dozen or so Sally Lightfoot crabs - but not the common ones from, the species most often sold in LFS and called "Sally". These are the Sallys with the yellow bands around their legs.


Anyway, wild caught clowns usually swim like retards, until they acclimate. Often vertical, or sleep on the substrate when lights are out. They will sleep even when being attacked by the crabs.


The crabs kill off the weak ones, and then we know those who survive will be good for shipment and sale. And it's a good way to introduce new breeders into your tanks, if you are into raising Nemos for sale.


The zebra legged crabs do better than the red/blue crabs for making the kill on the weak ones. And the Sally's will grab nemo and wrap her legs around it, lying upside down and having a tasty treat.


Nemos who survive the crab dip and start swimming horizontally at least some of the time, then get sold as tank tamed.


So check it out. We figure it cost us maybe a buck a piece to get the Nemos. If we sell them as wild we lowball, say 7 bucks each. If they survive the crab dip we can get 15 to 20 a PIECE for them. Everybody's happy!

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I'm sorry, but I'll just have to agree with embryoguy. That's just plain mean. How would you like it to be taken out of your home and be fed to giant crabs? Well, that's the same your doing to the poor clowns.

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Kellie in CA

Your procedure seems rather inhumane, how can you stand to watch?


Is it just me, or do other people get annoyed when they are referred to as "Nemo's"? I hate when I go to the store and the sign says: "Nemo's $19.99" If someone goes to a store looking for a "Nemo", they probably haven't the slightest clue how to care for it.



Ok, rant over! :D

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You'll change your mind when you see my the photos of my tanks next week when I get my digi-camera.


I'm sorry, but I'll just have to agree with embryoguy. That's just plain mean. How would you like it to be taken out of your home and be fed to giant crabs? Well, that's the same your doing to the poor clowns.



Nice avatar of "Dory"


Is it just me, or do other people get annoyed when they are referred to as "Nemo's"? I hate when I go to the store and the sign says: "Nemo's $19.99" If someone goes to a store looking for a "Nemo", they probably haven't the slightest clue how to care for it.

Ok, rant over! :D


Anyone who comes into our shop asking for "Nemos" gets told they are not ready, and we convince them to purchase magic potions instead.

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Carlo Gambino

This is from the same person that keeps full grown Yellow Tangs in a 20G tank.


This totally discredits anything you have to say.


I dont care if you have been keeping SW and reefs for 20 years, that does not mean you know what you are doing. It seems to me that you are only concerned about your profit.

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This is from the same person that keeps full grown Yellow Tangs in a 20G tank.



Dude, how many profiles do you have on this forum? Following me around... Look man, I am SORRY if YOUR fish die on you all the time.


Stick to photosynthetic shrooms and green star polyps and snails if you can't get your nano under control and thriving. Ask questions about "lighting requirements" often.


"full grown". LOL! That would be what? The world record breaking 10" captive Yellow Tang? <snicker>







if you are so proud of your reef habits, what is the name of the fish store you are affiliated with?



We are not a "store". We have grants from the US Department of Education to setup fish tanks in public elementary schools so kids can learn about the hobby.


It's a symbiotic relationship between the DOE, public schools, and the organization I am involved with.

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We are not a "store". We have grants from the US Department of Education to setup fish tanks in public elementary schools so kids can learn about the hobby.


It's a symbiotic relationship between the DOE, public schools, and the organization I am involved with.


So then how does this comment from your first post fit that?


"So check it out. We figure it cost us maybe a buck a piece to get the Nemos. If we sell them as wild we lowball, say 7 bucks each. If they survive the crab dip we can get 15 to 20 a PIECE for them. Everybody's happy!"

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So, should we inform the DOE and the kids in the schools of your humane practices or just passing along this statemet might be enough to shut you down......


"So check it out. We figure it cost us maybe a buck a piece to get the Nemos. If we sell them as wild we lowball, say 7 bucks each. If they survive the crab dip we can get 15 to 20 a PIECE for them. Everybody's happy!"
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shouldn't this thread belong in the fish forum (if it's really about the clowns) or is this really about the crabs?


is this 'culling method' to weed out clowns for the possible cyanide-caught or is it to cull genetically-impaired/or whatever clowns (would've thought that'd be more pertinent to captive-breds)? or is it just a weeding out of weakest to "cream-up" the strongest?


what's your "reject rate" to justify the method versus nuturing them? i have to think it's a small rate based upon your profit statement. although i don't understand why (if the profit is so much, which i do believe it is btw - i'm not disputing that) why you wouldn't seek to nurse some of those weaker clowns to health. it'd take about a week or so to regain health or less for the "floaters". (i do understand the $1~$4 per does work against the actual work expenditure forumla here though, it's a bit harsh but a simple matter of dollars and time-cost :( )


on another note, doesn't this prejudice your crabs for sale in the future? once they "learn" fish are prey in that manner won't they be prone to go after fish for a bigger return on food/hunt energy expenditure? i don't trust crabs either way though but i was just wondering if this practice would promote their "hunter persona". never trust crab! :ninja:

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ok quite simple. what is the organization you are involved with?> if you are sponcored by the govn. we have the right to know.


i ll bet you do not tell us any contact info.

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Carlo Gambino

Plain and simple......


Any newbies out there dont listen to what ever this guy has to say.


He thinks that he know so much but all of his actions by large are defiant of the normal techniques of SW tanks.

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deacon hemp
Plain and simple......


Any newbies out there dont listen to what ever this guy has to say.


He thinks that he know so much but all of his actions by large are defiant of the normal techniques of SW tanks.






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how scientific
i thought that comment was weird, hence my cyanide comment.


i don't understand why else 'wild-caught' clownfish would swim any differently than 'captive-breds' if transit times were roughly equal. they would be depending on this 10year's position in the trade, i.e. lfs, transshipper, exporter, distributor, other.


i'd guess he's either 'other' or pseudo-lfs (according to his DOEd statement). and if so, then transit time should be roughly equal comparing those two 'types'.

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Anyway, wild caught clowns usually swim like retards, until they acclimate


Do you think maybe thats because they werent drip acclimated or aclimatted properlly its just like taking a person and putting him/her in a room with more corbon dioxide than oxygen (75%CO2 and 25% Oxygen) You would be gagging for air after awhile

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This guy is a troll, just check out his mandarin, yellow tang, and now clowfish posts. Only here to incite and mislead. Don't waste your time!

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3-day weekend + liquor + guy with knowledge of the hobby = forum troll who knows how to push the right buttons to get everyone in a snit fit.


Sir, liquor + boxed set of The Sopranos = way more entertainment.

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