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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

About a month ago I inquired on the efficiency of Absolute Zero nitrates. Some users liked it and claimed it's fantastic just as the bottle states, while others have said they got no positive effects...


I want to share great results that I got with my reef. I run a 72 gallon reef with ozone and UV. I went through one bottle of the stuff in about a month...


My reef has had a nitrate problem for some time, I have not been able to go below 20 ppm. Even with water changes the best I have brought the nitrate has been to about 10 ppm just to see it climb back up to 20-25 in less than one week...


Well here are the pictures of my success the before and after; to any non-believers give it a try it brought my nitrates to Zero!!!


Before AZ-N03



After AZ-N03











Mike G

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Bottle reads:


Not for human consumption


DAMN IT !... it isn't just sugar water anymore !


Cool. I had been wondering if that stuff works or not :)

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Tks Mike

Pretty cool...have you noticed any slow down on algae and Macro growth?/


Algae has been controlled I don't see that going nuts in my aquarium. But then again I have a whole Reactor that runs Rowaphos; so phosphates are in check...


My macros haven't seen any decline but they are growing.


I wanted to get my nitrates to 0 for a long time and now with proper water changes and control feedings I will see how long I can keep these low nitrate readings.

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did you start off with a phosban reactor or did you add it after you had the sps. I was thinking of adding one, but have heard some horror stories about them bleaching when phosphate remover was added.

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Good to see it worked for ya mike...you may want to try using some algone packets to maintain it at zero...easier to use that azn03...


Excellent results though :D...



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I've been watching your posts on the ongoing nitrate battle. It is safe to assume that the algone did not do the trick? I'm having the same problem and am interested in your results. Keep up the progress reports. Long term results would be great! I hope this works for you...my nitrate problem worries the hell out of me.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

For those users that about to embark on a phosphate reactor be careful. Those units are very powerful and in my experience I recommend as do the instructions that you add one of these units in the beginning of a major reef setup.


I introduced my reactor about the third month of setup and my corals took a beating, some of my SPS corals began to STN and they died. I almost lost my blastos. I was very ###ed that I had not read the instructions to the fine print.


I'm going to change out my rowaphos soon as I'm seeing some algae spots here and there but I'll wait a couple more months; I can also check the effluent and if the phosphates show high, it's time for some new media.


Regarding the algone, I didn't see any drop in Nitrate, just really pure water and I used big packets. It drove my ORP way down real quick and made my skimmer go like mad.


It took a whole day for the ORP to gradually climb back up to where it was before.


I feel the AZ-N03 was a much better product for Nitrate to zero that is a given in my case.


Would I recommend Algone, yes if you have water discoloration and wants some absorbants to kick in.


AZ-N03 for those users that are serious about having zero nitrates in their tanks.


As per the instructions, this stuff continues to drive the skimmer mad for about 30 days after last day dosing.


I want to see how long it takes for Nitrates to climb back up. I do a 10 gallon water change every Sunday, like clock work and I've cut down to one feeding per day, controlled with pellets and sometimes some flakes.


Before I over fed like mad tons of flakes 3 times a day and Tangs will eat as many times as you feed them.


I let them nip all over the rocks and they get one nice feeding in two small doses, only what they can eat before it hits the gravel.


Mike G

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Congrats on finding a nice product.


Ive seen pics of the tank mike...I dont think you would even have a nitrate problem if you were so chock full of livestock!!



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