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Coral Vue Hydros

My First Tank 5.5g, actaully 4g, with divided overflow area. EL CHUPACABRA


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This is my first nano tank. Started May 23, 2006. I made it for super cheap (actually it stated off super cheap now it is super expensive.) 5.5g AGA, 6 lbs live rock (I drove to san diego and went to numerous stores until I found the best, over 420 miles away from home), 2 x 18 watt (6500k, 10000k, dual acinic), 50 watt heater, penguin 550, lexan, siicone, etc. DSCF00012.JPGDSCF0018.JPG Finally got a heater. DSCF0012.JPG My light arrived toady!!! http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/data/500/...um/DSCF0032.JPG FTS DSCF00421.JPG The penguin 550 pushes the water up and over the falls. DSCF0047.JPG


What should I put in here??? I want a clown, which kind should i get? What type of corals/ inverts should I get? Frogspawn, ricordia, zoos...

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One Eyed Bunny

I don't know if a clownfish would do well in such a small area. They typically produce a high bioload and a tank that small may never be able to keep up. What may eventually happen, unless you counter this with bi-weekly or tri-weekly water changes, is your nitrates will rise to a lethal level or your nitrites will and ultimately poison your tank.


What kinda of corals you keep is strictly up to you. You look like you have decent lighting. I would say that most softies are viable as would be some easier SPS.


Ricordia, Frogspawn, Hammers, Mushrooms, Zoanthids, Xenias. All of these would do well in your tank.


A nice-sized fish for a tank this size might be some sort of goby or blenny. Panda clown gobies are pretty cute and they stay reasonable small enough where they could enjoy the aquascaping. A bi-colored blenny might even be able to fit, but I would suggest buying a smaller blenny since they too can produce a significant amount of waste.


A pygmy seahorse would be possibly, maybe, I don't know enough able them to tell you for sure, but they seem small enough. (Haha, I can't wait to get reemed out by some seahorse fanatic.) The only issue there is that you'l lhave to limit the types of coral you'll put in the tank. Stinging coral such as hammer coral or frogspawn will sting the seahorse and injury or kill him.


If you've got any more questions or concerns, feel free to post'em in this thread and one of us will gladly get back to you.

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really nice first tank, and the LR looks awesome too, but be careful with how close it is to the glass, otherwise its a huge PITA to clean.


where did you get the light and what kind is it?

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really nice first tank, and the LR looks awesome too, but be careful with how close it is to the glass, otherwise its a huge PITA to clean.


where did you get the light and what kind is it?


I bought it off the clasifieds for $75 shipped to my door. The unit was brand new and was purchased but then never used. It is a Current USA lsattelite 24 hour lighting system, w/ lunar led, 2 x 18watts, (6,700k/10,000k and 420nm/460nm).


Thanks for the help.

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I don't know if a clownfish would do well in such a small area. They typically produce a high bioload and a tank that small may never be able to keep up. What may eventually happen, unless you counter this with bi-weekly or tri-weekly water changes, is your nitrates will rise to a lethal level or your nitrites will and ultimately poison your tank.


What kinda of corals you keep is strictly up to you. You look like you have decent lighting. I would say that most softies are viable as would be some easier SPS.


Ricordia, Frogspawn, Hammers, Mushrooms, Zoanthids, Xenias. All of these would do well in your tank.


A nice-sized fish for a tank this size might be some sort of goby or blenny. Panda clown gobies are pretty cute and they stay reasonable small enough where they could enjoy the aquascaping. A bi-colored blenny might even be able to fit, but I would suggest buying a smaller blenny since they too can produce a significant amount of waste.


A pygmy seahorse would be possibly, maybe, I don't know enough able them to tell you for sure, but they seem small enough. (Haha, I can't wait to get reemed out by some seahorse fanatic.) The only issue there is that you'l lhave to limit the types of coral you'll put in the tank. Stinging coral such as hammer coral or frogspawn will sting the seahorse and injury or kill him.


If you've got any more questions or concerns, feel free to post'em in this thread and one of us will gladly get back to you.


Damn, I really wanted the clown. The sea horse sounds cool, but I really like frogspawn and the hammerhead. I guess I need to just go fish shopping. Is it possible that my tank cycled in 5 days. I bought the live rock in california on a special trip i made to San Diego just to find the best stuff. It was cured already. My levels have been:



ph 8

A 0.25

NO2 0

NO3 20

sg 1.020



ph 8

a 0-.25 (this test is hard to tell)

NO2 0

NO3 20



ph 8.1

A 0

NO2 0

NO3 20

SG 1.021

Temp 78



ph 8.1

A 0

no2 0

no3 20

sg 1.023

temp 78


I think that I am going to do a water change to get rid of the NO3, I feel like this is a fluke and as soon as I add something it will start the cycle; I am not in a hurry but something other than "live" rocks would be interesting to look at. I am definantly not buying anything until I get my water tested for a second opinion (dont trust this aquarium pharmecuticals test kit). I will probally add my cleanup crew soon. Maybe the addition of the light will change things.

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I think that I am going to do a water change to get rid of the NO3, I feel like this is a fluke and as soon as I add something it will start the cycle; I am not in a hurry but something other than "live" rocks would be interesting to look at. I am definantly not buying anything until I get my water tested for a second opinion (dont trust this aquarium pharmecuticals test kit). I will probally add my cleanup crew soon. Maybe the addition of the light will change things.

well after testing today i decided not to do a water change. My Amonina looks like it is at .25 according to the test kit. It is really relative though it depends what light i am reading it under, sunlight .25, tank light .25, ambient room light 0, incandesent 0, batroom lights 0. I think this test kit just sucks. What light should in read it under? I read that you shouldn't do water changes until your tank cycles because you are just putting it off. I think the nitrates are up because I foolishly added some of the water the live rock came in that sat for 7.5 hours on the way home from the california fish store. The rest of the water is steam distilled that also under went ozonation and UV sterilization. This is the only water I am planning on using.



ph 8.2

a .25

no2 0

no3 20

sg 1.023

temp 78F

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ph 8.2

A 0

no2 0

no3 20

sg 1.023

temp 78


did a water change, maybe about 20% its hard to tell, takes so little.

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Holy Crap! you drove from Tuscon, Az to San Deigo. That is a long drive. Good thing you got what you needed. Good luck

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cool little tank -


You may have already addressed this (if so, I'm sorry) - Is tank staying a BB (barebottom)? If so, I guess that's the return at the bottom (center) of the false wall?


This false wall is glass? or Acrylic / Plexi? If not glass, No bowing? - I see answer now in your post - Wall is Lexan, so are you not seeing any bowing? Probably not as small as the tank is, not much by way of water pressure against it.


How do you have the PH attached to the wall?

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cool little tank -


You may have already addressed this (if so, I'm sorry) - Is tank staying a BB (barebottom)? If so, I guess that's the return at the bottom (center) of the false wall?


This false wall is glass? or Acrylic / Plexi? If not glass, No bowing? - I see answer now in your post - Wall is Lexan, so are you not seeing any bowing? Probably not as small as the tank is, not much by way of water pressure against it.


How do you have the PH attached to the wall?


The lexan is blowing just a tiny bit, I may blow a glass strainer/ reinforcement bar to go on the top, but its not yet needed, I love the perfect surface skim this thing has.




Clean up crew added: (drip aclimation)

2 blue leg hermits (they are lazy, bad cleaners)

2 Astreas (amazing, the best snails)

2 Margaritas (cleaning glass all the time)

2 cups of live sand (free from long established LFS)



Ph: 8.3-8.4

A: 0

NO2: 0

NO3: 5-10

Sg: 1.024

T: 80F


Added a false Percula today!!!

His name is Yoshimatsu, that is also the name of a local sushi restaraunt owned by my old Japanese ceramics instructor, Hiro. So if the clown gets to big for my tank, We are going to prepare him into a spicy clown roll. The most expensive peice of sushi I will ever have.


Oh I had some grrape macro algae in the overflow, but I took it out for feer that it would take over my tank, going to order some chaeto. The overflow is also filled with smashed lived rock rubble, chemipure (1/2 bag), Black Diamond carbon,

Here are some pictures:

PS I had a 400 watt Metal halide over it for a little while, but 109wpg is a little on the high side... for now I will stick with the PC, I am saving the MH for my next tank, a tiny pico... More watts less water.




PH nozzle is siliconed into the wall, but PH is still removeable.











Clean up crew welcome home:




















My Clam/Mollusk/bivalve, he opens his mouth at night but is super fast to close it and has far more patience then I do waiting when it comes to reopening it, but I have seen him open it a couple of times, sometimes he has some alge sticking out of his mouth. I found him as a hitch hicker jammed in a crevice, for a long time he was all I had too look at. I told the LFS guy about him and he said that he could make me pearls and i could make millions, this clam is my retirement.





Auto Top Off























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A: 0

NO2: 0

NO3: 0

Sg: 1.024

T: 80f


booyah got them all down now.... all is perfect... for now...


I am thinking of getting a nano 12 pack of corals in a few weeks, to save on shipping and get the cheapest deal. Still going to wait a while for things to settle. No hurry, I am very happy with my new clown.

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Some new pictures:

(all levels zeroed out)


FTS w/ overflow




w/o overflow display only



Side tank shot (as seen from my pillow)


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The divider is bowing just a bit too much for me. I'd recommend reinforcing it. This could simply be a small piece of acrylic placed between the divider and the rear of the tank.

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PH: 8.2

A: 0

NO2: 0

NO3: 0

T: 80

SG: 1.024


All is good, my hermit crab is back from doing something other than cleaning. I think I might lock him in a glass ball with a tiny chunk of live rock and some algae. I wonder if he could survive if I permanently sealed inside a glass ball? Maybe I should try some snails first? I have a glass blowing studio so its only a mater of time until I try my hand at a biosphere.

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nice tank. I think I have a clam just like yours but it's hard to tell because mine is in a crevice too. How did you get your clam out? Should it be out? it's in a dark place right now but it seems to open a lot so does it even like light? did you ever find out what it is called? i'm so curious, i was pleasantly surprised to find one but i can't really research it when I can't take a good picture of it so I was glad to stumble onto yours....

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Your mother longs for the day when you learn some manners. :P there's already a thread about your opinion, why don't you stick to it. :huh:

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nice tank. I think I have a clam just like yours but it's hard to tell because mine is in a crevice too. How did you get your clam out? Should it be out? it's in a dark place right now but it seems to open a lot so does it even like light? did you ever find out what it is called? i'm so curious, i was pleasantly surprised to find one but i can't really research it when I can't take a good picture of it so I was glad to stumble onto yours....


I grabbed my clam with pliers and pulled him out, I ripped him out because I wanted to be able to see him and he was on the bottom underside of a rock, also I thought he was growing to big for his crevice and needed more room to open up.


Turns out in retrospect that clam barely even opens his mouth maybe 1 cm at most.


Recent clam news:

I have been moving Clam all over the tank trying to make him happy. He was sitting on a rock but then an astrea snail knocked him to the substrate next to a bristle worm cave. He then sat here for about a week, and then one morning he was jammed into the entrance of the bristle worms cave. I wondered how he got there since clam does not seem able to move on his own; I left him here for about a week and then decided to pull him out from under the rock, to see if my theory was correct. (Theory: the bristle worm was feeling around one night and stuck his tip in clams mouth, clam then clamped down on the bristle worm, holding on tight. The bristle worm then whipped back into his cave pulling clam in with him. Clam did not quite fit and that is why he was jammed into the cave entrance.) I think my theory was correct because there was a substantial amount of pulling required to get clam out, it was like he was tied to a rubber band, then suddenly he let go and came out with no resistance.


Clam does not seem to care about light.

Clam has way more patience then you, if he sees you watch him open his mouth, he will shut it and not open it for, well I don't know how long for, because he has more patience then me when it comes to reopening his mouth. Clam has been through a lot, but can take a lot. Clam taste delicious with both lemon and cocktail sauce.

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