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Pod Your Reef

Anyone have some stomatella snails to sell??


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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone on the board has a bunch or even just a few (ive heard that they multiply fast) that they are willing to sell and ship to Columbia, Maryland.


Also, i heard they are pretty good algae eaters...is this true? Thanks

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these are the one with the 1/2 shell right??? fast moving buggers....come in all sizes.......yea i just got an arrow crab to cut them down...but i really wouldnt know how to ship them....

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Quick I believe Abs has some.

I too am looking for some still. a buddy claims to have a few, but I need like 100+ or so. I made a mistake and added a Dragon wrasse in the WRONG tank and he cleaned me out of the few I had.

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quicksilver- I could gather up a few to spare. (Sorry Dave, I don't have 100. :P) I'm about an hour North of Philly, about 2 hours north of Baltimore. If this snow ever goes away (heh, heh) and you want to make a 4 hour or so round trip drive, then I'd be happy to give you a few. (I'd rather not ship them, especially in this weather, plus it wouldn't make sense to pay $25+ for overnight shipping.) Let me know.

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I do have some - but they are in the process of "breeding" and muliplying. Hopefully to the point were I can supply dave and a couple other people. Unfortunately, the weather here is not good. Snow, Ice - VERY COLD. These little guys don't tolerate temprature drops that well.


If you can wait a month or so for things to warm up, I can get you some. I will also have lots more by then too.




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Reefmatrix, yea i will wait. Where do you live? Were having a blizzard over here in MD. I think its up to 2 feet now...


Jdiver, we'll see about making that trip once all this snow lets up...lol

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wait they make food?....like food for my campnella[sp?]...oh well i have easily bout 100 in my 15...plus the arrow crab like the bristle worms much more....now i have atleast 200 of them.....they are really everywhere......

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lol, reef, i was wondering where the hell you went. I was looking in the members listing and all i found was absolut and i know that it wasnt you since that person just joined last month. lol. When you do have enough though, since your in VA is there any place we might be able to meet? or would you still want to ship them?


The Unit, where do you live? If your close by I could pick them up since you dont want to ship...

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quicksilver- I hear you on the snow! I believe we got about 20" where I am. I happen to have a friend who lives in Baltimore coming to visit next weekend, so I could probably give her a few stomatellas on her return trip back to Baltimore next Sunday. She lives a couple miles away from the Inner Harbor. Let me know if you'd like me to try to arrange it.

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