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Coral Vue Hydros

Bristle worms


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i've heard lots and lots and read up lots on bristle worms....but are they nessesary?? im not sure if i have any in my 10gal....but i would really like some...how do i go about picking some up for my tank??

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Bristle worms are great, Ive got thousands of them...., I have about 10 Generations of them in my tank...They just came in on live rock, Goto a LFS and ask them for a few, it shouldnt cost anything...But they may want a quarter or something per worm...Put in about 5 And you will have TONS in no time

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They are the good guys in your tank.  They help stir the sand, and eat detritus.  I am not sure of the exact benefits, but I do know that they serve no real harm and many possible benefits.


Why do you ask?  Afraid of keeping such beasts in the tank?

Hehehehe, joke. :)

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Actually, he wants them in his tank...


I remember seeing on for the first time in my tank, scared the crap out of me... but, I haven't seen them since and everythings fine and dandy.

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i really really really want them in my tank....heheh....im still kind of a newbie at this hobby...but im scared that since i dont have any in there....my det. wont be cleaned and my sand wont be turned..you kno?? i actually have a bit of a diatom bloom goin on right now...and well i want to get rid of that....on the sand atleast...the hermits take care of the rock and the snails take care of the glass....i manually turn some sand over onto the waste or algae or whatever it is to cover it up...but it just grows back....=(

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Whatever you do, don't put a big bristle worm that looks like a shiny olive/brown centipede in your tank.  Its bristles look more like spikes.  They get huge and can cause problems IMO.

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Bristleworms are not going to eat diatoms or stir your sand.  Try not to disturb your DSB by "manually" stirring it.  Since your tank is new, diatom blooms are all part of the cycle.  Be patient and it will clear up and your sand will become white again - REALLY!  Good luck.

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