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Cold Cathode Lights?


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Has anyone thought about using a cold cathode light for night lighting. A full kit with ballast, wires, and bulb are like $15. Lots of people use them to light up computers with acylic cases.

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i used to be really into auto neon and remember when they were the new thing. i dont really know about how they apply to reefs, but i do remember that they break reaaaly easily. maybe thats changed though??

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I did a little research and there are even daylight CCs outputting 6500K. Maybe there is even a 10000K light out there. I don't know the lumens, but with no heat being emitted, these could be very useful.

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i have a few 100mm white ccfls that i was planning on experimenting over a few different types of coral but i've put the plans on hold :)


few things to think about:

make sure the inverters are protected

make sure the actual tube is encased in acrylic for safety


it took a few (number) more than i had hoped for to be comparable (visually) to a PC bulb (13w in my case) but yeah, "the human eye is a poor indicator of light intensity blah." i believe i also remember reading that the lumen output also still favors the compact flourescent bulb. try it buddy and let us know.


edit1: spencer's comment 'they break easy' is true (another reason to get acrylic tube encased. also, in favor of cold cathodes, most inverters run on a 12vdc supply (why they're automobile and computer case mod friendly (cpu power supplies and car batteries are 12vdc)) and finding a 12vdc wall adapter isn't difficult at al. spice, heat shrink, plug 'n play.

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