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Coral Vue Hydros



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I have wondered how CPR refugium would do and look on my tank..

now that i have tried it, i give it a thumb down :(


Having just a small tank with a auto top off system, this contraption doesnt work so well...


after setting it up, everything went well, exept of course when i turned it off,(or when theres a power failure). With my small tank, most of the water backflows to the tank and phew..FLOOD!!!.. haha...there are ways to prevent the flood by turning down the flow and adjusting the returns height, but it makes it unstable causing more water going to the refugium from the tank which makes my floatswitch go on :( ... man that would make my salinity go down fast....


i wouldnt recommend this for tanks under 10 gallons even tho there are members that has it on their 7 gallon...


but with a float switch.. id rather keep my prizm.. :)


I am not saying that this product is bad. this is just my opinions of the product..

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I just got mine about a week ago and so far so good. I did add a rio 200 to it for more flow. I have the 18" version. My tank is 40 gals. It is pretty worthless if the power is off and all the water drains which can cause floods, but I think on little tanks like yours it adds more water to the system and is easier than buying all the equipment and making a sump. Just my thougts.

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never thought about that back siphon issue! gonna be setting one up on an albrecht special 5.5, somewhere down the road, so i'll have to be careful. thanks for bringing this to our attention mike. when i'm diy-ing or otherwise f-ing around, this is one of the things i always think of but hadn't considered this flaw in a popular commercial product. not really a flaw, but definitely something to consider.


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I've had the CPR Aquafuge for months now and it works perfectly for me. I even turned off the electricity to my tank to see what happens just in case it never flooded.

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wouldn't the syphon break if the power were to go out? I'm not doubting you guys, I'm just trying to understand because I am building one. I thought it would act like a HOB filter. My whisper HOB on my cichlid tank just stops when the power goes out.

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  • 4 months later...

So does this happen to everyone? I have a 10 gallon rectangular and I was thinking about getting one of these for my tank. I keep it filled to the brim with no top on the tank. But this is disturbing. I can just see the water spilling all over my floor....

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