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Automated, Computerised Mayhem !!!


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The tank only has 2 clowns in it for now, not too sure wether to chance any more, probably not, or at worst 1 more.


I want to keep it mainly for corals.


The settling period just lets me see how my fave's are coping, and improving, i'll probably again leave it now till toward the end of may, as there's loads of settling to do.


I cleaned all the settling cr*p off the rear glass, powerheads, and reefclean today, and will carry on cleaning after my "four nights on" at work starting tonight.


I had some probs with my T5's, so I had to strip them out and play with the plug ends to the tubes, I have 12 wires for 6 tubes, so I had fun getting it right !!.


There all back in now, and last night I configured the simmod light control to give a proper dusk / dawn effect, looks great, also I have moonlight led's for the final touch after the lights dim off.


The coral feeder peri pump is working a treat, 16 timings a day over 8 hrs, feeding roughly 3ml a day.


Take it easy,




:) :) :) :)

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hi all, ive just updated webshots, 5 or so new pics of my tank and gadgetry, they are under :-



"LEE'S FINISHED TANK SHOTS" new album started !!




:) :) :) :)

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hi dap,


The grey piping you can see is my reefclean system, it is conected to two maxijet 1100 ltr/h pumps, and has 71 5mm holes in it.


This keeps my tank base clean, as i dont use gravel / sand etc, it is far cleaner and algae free this way.


The tank over its initial 1 week swapover is doing great now, these are some further readouts for you :-


ph in tank = 7.92

ph in reactor = 6.2

redox in denitrator = -102 (ideal -150, still dropping)

redox in tank = +171

temp in tank = 26.5

conductivity = 1.0049 (slightly high)

under light temp (there of now 10.10 pm here) = 74.3

"water" cupboard temp = 75.7


still lots to settle, but were getting there, may pop out tomorrow and get some more fish, this will have benefits obviously to look at, but also the running of the denitrate.


A slight update for you there too, sorry to waffle on,




:) :) :) :)

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....... let me try to get you a pic which you may not have seen yet, it will be from another forum thread, just click it ........


hang on a sec .....




:) :) :) :)

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thx ziz,


there's very minimal stock in there at the mo, so i may add some more tomorrow.


fish first corals mid may time.




:) :) :) :)

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Hi mate. Love your tank, I am from Australia and embarking on a similar tank set-up to the one you are documenting. Except I am using a 24x19x20in tank with in-built overflow and cloosed loop circulation. I am thinking of purchasing a Teco Micro chiller/ heater; have you set yours up as yet? How do you find it?


I am interested to know how your tank goes because mine is going to be very similar except the Aussie way!!! lol.


I enjoy this post keep the information and the pictures coming.



Matthew Young

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hi matt,


glad to hear you like it, its looking cool and i take it youve seen all the pics.


The one problem i am having is the chiller/heater, for your own benefit, make sure you get an over rated teco one, my micro is struggling especially with the 6 x T5 tubes, i am only running two tubes now till i can raise the lid loads.


i think teco do several larger sizes than mine that heat and chill, let me look for you .......




take a while to look through there main website, there's loads of tables there, but they are stretched to be honest, like i say, get a bigger one.


The "ca" graded ones can heat and chill, but look at the model 200 or above.






:) :) :) :)

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Thanks for that piece of advice! Do you have an e-mail address so we can talk directly?


I have seen the pics; let me just say one word. Amazing!




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just bought some soft corals to help fill the tank, will be getting some sps corals and maybe a clam at the end of may.


ive updated webshots for you with the pics of my "newies", look under coral shots.


more coming soon




:) :) :) :)

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So have you spent more time running the automated stuff than you would have spent on the normal tank maintenace in the first place?

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I still do all the maintenance, the same as anyone, it just balances the tank really.


Maybe i should of called it something different, like auto-balancing or something.


hope you like it though,




:) :) :) :)

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe a stupid question, but all of those electronics, your electricity bill must be sky high and the setup itself must of cost you a bundle.

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hi there,


yep, the initial outlay was alot, gets what ya pay for.


To be honest the running costs, ie the electricity, doesn't really come into it, the lighting is the most single item wattage, at only 150.


My pumps, well, very low wattage, my closed loop eheim is 10 wt, and my eheim denitrate and calc reac pumps are about 20 wt each.






:) :) :) :)

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AWSOME SET UP LEE!!!!! I must say I amthouroughly impressed by your entire set up! I recently had to under go some automation of my own due to vacations and what not but nothing compared to your set up by far! Just how empty is your bank account now any ways? LOL!

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hi rich and saltydawg,


thx for the kind words here.


glad you like my efforts, and i take it you've seen my new photo's as the above thread.


good to hear also rich, that your soon to setup, make sure you post well.


I'll update soon again, I'm after some acro's - monti's here now, to set it off and finish, we'll see.






:) :) :) :)

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