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Automated, Computerised Mayhem !!!


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As promised, this is the start of my automated tank (16 gall.)


It's measurements are :- 27 x 12 x 15 (L/W/H).


You can see my pics by clicking below thread.


Stacks more to follow as things arrive, so click back every now and then.






:) :) :) :)

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here's the details :-


27 x 12 x 15 - I have a second dry tank now to fit weirs to.


2 x 4 inch square weirs - to hide probes etc in. (making soon)


1 x aquastar computer (control of calc. reac. , de nitrator, lighting, powerheads, auto topup etc.


2 x ph modules - 1x calc.reac. and 1x in tank.


2 x redox modules - 1x denitrator and 1x in tank.


1 x temperature module - in tank.


1 x conductivity module - in tank.


2 x non-dim plug bars - for control of lights, solenoids etc.


1 x computer interface cable - for full computer linkup and display.


1 x external big 4 read display unit - will be mounted on front of my cupboard for instant readings.


1 x "y" cable for computer link and external screen.


1 x in tank sensor holder.


CHECK OUT :- WWW.IKS-AQUA.COM (for above detail)


1 x tunze "TF05 kit" powerhead wave system - with two electronically adjustable powerheads (will run at 500 ltr/h each)


CHECK OUT :- WWW.TUNZE.COM (for above detail)


1 x schuran jetstream 1 calcium reactor, with gas (co2) bottle, solenoids, peristaltic pump to run it. (will run auto off the iks) Also will run on A.R.M media.


1 x schuran de nitrator - running with sulphour bead, solenoid run for control from iks too.


CHECK OUT :- WWW.SCHURAN.COM (for above detail, click on english on bottom of opening page)


2 x maxijet MP900 - to make a full reefclean flushing system, with no gravel on the bottom, this will run through 20mm pipe all around the bottom of the tank, under eggcrating. I will have currents blowing up all glass sides too, to eliminate or help to eliminate glass diatom algae's, this will suspend all detritus into the water column to be skimmed off by my Deltec AP600.



click on skimmers then ap600. (serious skimming here !! the unit is taller than my tank)


1 x twin 55w (110w) 7100k T5 light unit and bulbs.

will also run an actinic half hour before main lights and throughout main lighting, and then half hour after, I am linking a moonlight l.e.d. system too.


1 x micro peristaltic pump - for coral auto feeding, iks controlled.


1 x midi - doser pump to run the calc. reac. , iks controlled.


CHECK OUT :- WWW.S-T-M.CO.UK (for the above detail, go into the shop online and look under dosing pumps)


2 x side tall cupboards to house it all into.


oh yeah, and a teco heater / chiller too.


Lots to do now, i'm still looking at a plastic wrapped and card covered second tank !!!


piccies are starting on the progress, i'm still awaiting bits, but minor bits are arriving now.

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don't that take all the fun out of reef keeping having it all automated, kinnda like hiring someone to do it all for you, just my thought on it. im more hands on i guess

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"that sounds awesome. I've been really interested lately in auto feeding of phyto, artemia, etc. How do you plan to do that?"


i'm feeding marine deluxe (clear liquid food, probably have to be filtered to remove "bits") with a peristaltic pump. The problem will ease my feeding by :- when im on night work (permanently) it will feed my tank auto during the day when i'm asleep. The peri pump will run on the iks plug bar and be switchable on/off throughout the day.


As for further threads, it's not "laziness", it guarantees my corals food at given times of the day, even if i'm asleep as outlayed above. If we miss meals I know how I feel, so if i feed auto then never will it be missed again.


Probably means i'll have to clean the lines every fortnight or so, but again guarantees feeding.


The same goes for the calcium reactor, why guess it with liquid bottle additives (done it and got it wrong), go through pounds worth of test kits a month. Again its not laziness it is just perfecting what they have in nature, I want that spot on to nature, 8.3 max 8.2 min ph, also i will use a.r.m. media and this will add all other "natural" additives auto again, so again no guessing with bottles, I have here a complete reef success range getting dusty now or will be, this alone was at least £50 (60-70 u.s), add test kits on it, wouldn't take that long to get to a cost of a reactor.


The de-nitrator, will run my tank below 1-2 on the scale, hopefully 0 if it will take the flow (should do), again my need to create balance like nature, done the live rock and sand. One spike in the tank and there's nothing to back it up with. So using a de-nitrator will allow me to remove all my sand base and run bare, my rocks will be on eggcrate with supports and plenty of flow underneath. Will also remove a detritus trap (sand bed) thus making the tank far far cleaner, which ive done before and my corals loved it, even had to strip the tank after 9 months as they over expanded. (try stirring your sand and see what comes out).


Like i say it guarantees lots of things near to "nature" as i can get, nothing to do with hands on etc, it means to me that my tank wether i'm asleep or awake, will run in tune to nature.






:) :) :) :) :)

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My weirs are being made now, should be done next week he hopes.


They are being made with 5mm black sheet pvc, which has a "mottled" effect one side.


They are going to be 4 inch square and 14 inch deep, with just the face section to have weir comb, not both faces like the bought ones, so as to allow flow from back of tank to front and vice versa on intake one - creates more flow directions.






:) :) :) :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

new piccies on webshots for you all.


wahoo !!!


lots more too come, and plenty to do still.






:) :) :) :)

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I got my mylar reflective sheet today, so decided to have a go with it, i've covered the whole under lid, and also the sides and front top sections.


take a look on webshots below.






:) :) :) :)

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Originally posted by SAILFIN

don't that take all the fun out of reef keeping having it all automated, kinnda like hiring someone to do it all for you, just my thought on it. im more hands on i guess


it takes "teh stuepied" out of reefing and eleminates guesswork. on large complex systems with a LOT of very diverse stuff, it is very handy..... but expensive

to get.

But then what in this hobby isnt. :rolleyes:


I for one like some of the automated features and wish there was an all inclusive system tha tcould be hooked up to a PC and do everything. Sure octopus systems exist, but not affordable by anymeans.


nice thread Lee, but umm.. needs pics :)


EDIT I just seen link... its busted. plz fix hyper :D

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thx very much dave,


some good and kind words there.


I'll be carefull here, i agree that the system i have "hooked up" is very expensive by any means, and yes, i'll also agree that some may look at it as worthless or UN-NEEDED, but ive said all along :-


Small reefs are extremely hard to balance, or should i say properly balance.


So for me, i choose to use technology to HELP me with the balance, its not a one up to me thing, its just giving the best.


Dave and myself had a good "disscussion" about a coupla weeks ago, about what my beliefs and theories are about, and to most people and MAYBE including his self, couldnt work my reasons out. Im expecting some not to understand, but the majority i believe do understand.


Now, Im not saying, go buy loads of kit and bankrupt yourselves (like i have), but merely understand natural ways - as in fuges etc, and technology ways - like im utilising.


but your right, very expensive (not boasting now)


cheers dave agn,




:) :) :) :)

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For everyone trying to see my pics and who are having trouble :-


copy the address link, and paste in the url address bar at the top of ya screen, hit enter.








:) :) :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

after some time from ordering, i hope now to pick the remaining of my gear up sunday.


I was awaiting my iks computer, probes, calc reac media, denitrate media, hard tubing, gate valves, my T5 lights etc.


I called up the centre and its all there now, so to save a courier cost (and an excuse to visit him as he's about 50 mile from me) i asked to pick up myself, hopefully the boss will ok that, and all should be cool.


I ordered through him, and he has sourced the stuff from germany, so ive saved a monstrous amount.


More piccies soon, and let the true mayhem begin of fitting it all !!






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oh crumbs dave, dont ask ......


8 x computer controlled on/off plugs (sockets)


4 x normal plug in sockets


6 x T5 tubes


6 x pumps


1 x chiller / heater


wave controls, auto topup, auto coral feed, etc


anyone selling a fire extinguisher !!!






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I tested my small peristaltic pump earlier, the one for coral feed, and these are my workings :-


Setting the pump to medium flow - giving me 3mm / minute.


I can run 8 feeds, @ 1 feed each hour through the day, @ 7 second single feed timings.


Or 16 feeds, @ 1 feed each half hour through the day, @ 3 second single feed timings, this way would be lightly shy of the true amount reccomended, i may go with this though, so not to polute the tank over time.


i'm happy with that, now just gotta check the iks site, to see if it can run 3 second timings.






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yep, i found out my iks can run individual timings to as little as 1 second each.


Today i picked some more stuff up from near london, i have my computer now, some more leads and plugbars, my dimmable T5 lighting and gas and water solenoids.


I put a loose shot of these items on webshots just now for you to see (under new bits 001).


I chatted to the guy in the centre and we both agreed that my equipment would need further cooling than just a teco micro chiller/heater, especially with the near to 150 watt of T5 lights under the hood. we tossed some ideas back and fourth between us, and now, i think i will have to do the following :-


1 ) place 2 x 4cm sq. pc fans on the back of the hood, blowing in.


2 ) place 1 x 8cm sq. pc fan in the back of the "water and filter"

cupboard, to help cool the enclosed pumps, as there will be

roughly 4 x 25 watt pumps in there, the door has a slight

opening gap around it, so i'll place the fan on the back wall of

the cupboard to circulate, and the warmer air can release

through the door edge gap.


anyway, take a look if you like, its only one further pic though, as i say once i get the rest within the week, come the weekend, i can start to "shape" the cupboards to receive all the equipment. (Just copy and paste the link below)


i've also worked out, i will need 18 plugs !!! I have three timed and automated plugbars giving 12 plugs, and i'm going to use my old power distribution block for a further 6 plugs.


This has been a long project, and it'll take further time to complete, but my patience hopefully will pay off.






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I've just completed the sound deadening on the skimmer cupboard, it took all day yesterday, far longer than i thought, see it on webshots (address below).






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ive just finished the "water and pumps" cupboard.


skimmer, calc. reac. , denitrate and pumps are now installed.


check 'em on webshots (copy and paste the address below).






:) :) :) :)

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lee, you don't have to leave your "sig" in every reply....



it gets annoying in long or multiple reply threads.

just a heads up.

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We're looking groovy now, today i finished the "electronics" cupboard.


Had loads of fun just conceiling* the lighting cables, I have 12 of these for my tubes !!


Had to do some thinking and planning with the computer, how long does it take to program !!


Ive set 16 on and off timings, thats just for the coral feeding, this is done every 30 mins over 8 hrs at 3 second "on" timings.


The lighting now, has full simmod control for dimming and brightning, or dusk and dawn effects.


My iks will also control moonlight l.e.d's, and all bottom shelf items in the "water" cupboard.


Still awaiting my powerheads, but as soon as there here, i can battle with the transfer over, should be about a week's time.


pics as usual on webshots, the address is below


well chuffed i am !!




:) :) :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to update you all, over the last four days I have swapped the tank over, I'm running the new setup now, gee, is this cool.


my readouts for now are :-


ph in tank = 7.94 (will rise when denitrate is running prop.)

ph in calc reac = 6.25

redox in tank = +136 (will come up as tank settles)

redox in denitrate (gotta come down loads) = +200

temp in tank = 26.1

temp in hood = 84.1 f

temp in pump cupboard = 79.3 f

temp in the room = 74.3 f

cond. in tank (gotta raise slightly once settled) = 1.0002


Hopefully or for now everythings working as planned, coral feeds are working a treat, although the tank is a swap over there's plenty of settling left to go, and tweaking.


Its running pretty bare at the moment, with just a few green polyps, mushies etc, but once ive settled everything i can stock more.


you can see my most recent photo's on the thread below :-




just copy and paste again.




:) :) :) :)

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N1 Leewink se ya tanks looking great nice work really cool whats your current livestock list:



p.s Keep up the good work, and dont forget your computerized friend:P .

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