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Cultivated Reef

Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!................


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I bought an 8 lb very nice shaped fijji rock from Jacks Pets and Aquarium's yesterday along with a 5.6 lbs piece.

Today I saw a very small banded serpent star fish crawling out of the bigger piece of rock!!!!


Man I realy love watching the life evolve and crawl out of new live rock! Its like treasure hunting!!!!



It has minimal other life on it however. No fishy smell but is pretty baren.

I'm not to worried about that though as it is in my 29g tank and soon after all rock is added and cycled my totaly coraline covered rock from my 5.5 with all of my corals are going in !!!!!


Most of the rock I put in my 5.5 was prety baren to start off with as well until i put two small pieces of LR in that were heavily encrusted with coraline. No kiding in about 2 months most all of the rock now is covered with it.









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I have a bunch of those tiny banded serpents, but I never see them out, even at night. They seem to be content with staying in the rock with their arms hanging out. Is there anything specific you did to lure him out?

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Hey Salty. I'm in Cincy too. What Jacks do you usually got to? The only one I have had success with is the on off of Fields Ertel Rd. Also what other stores do you hit up in the area? I am looking for some new ones.

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i started out with the mini brittle stars got 6 in a detrivore kit now i probably have a hundred gave some away and there still multipliyin i do see some out every now and then every once in a while you see 1 or 2 of em floatin round the tank in the current waiten to get near sometin to attach to. heck when i take the clip out to put the dried nori in there even hidin in there

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