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Cultivated Reef

This is cool!


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If you do the math, this pump gives you 11.5 cents per GPH. The tunze powerhead (see link below) I chose gives you about 34.16 cents per GPH. So, really you are getting a great deal for the price to GPH ratio here.


I think that it is a good deal. Low price for 3,000 GPH. Plus no heat transfer to the tank, no electricity transfer, and it's low maintinance. It also says that it has a wave controller for it.


Now THAT would be an awesome wave system for a nano! You would have to have a sealed top on the tank to keep the water from sloshing out.


Just my $0.02



Tunze powerhead:


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I wonder how those work. Maybe a DIY crack could be possible...like an electric DC motor on the outside using some kind of magnetic field to rotate the propeller inside...


Or am I way off?

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

arent they also remote?


The EcoTech Wave Controller will wirelessly control up to 10 VorTech Propeller Pumps with an intuitive user interface while creating optiomal flow using wave motion algorithms.


no wire at all would rock!

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Fishfreak, It's a powerhead that has the electromagnet unit on the outside of the tank and the poropeller/impeller on the inside of the tank. it uses magnets to operate throught the glass.



proflatlander, I don't think it's that easy. I think it's most likely a series of electromagnets and alternate their polls to make the prop. spin. It's like a motor, with the amerture on the inside of the tank.



icyoudd, HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!! I didn't notice that before you mentioned it. I went back and read it closer, and you're right! It wirelessly controlls up to 10 pumps. That has to be the best powerhead on the market!





I wish I had $344.99 laying around. I'd get one. Actually, I wish I had $3449.90 plus however much the controller will cost so I can have the ultimate wavemaker in my 75 gallon tank. I went on their website and they said the controller is in development.




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what about the magnetic field, to work that way wouldnt it have to be greater than a conventional Powerheads mag engine, and how would that affect the inhabitants? many humans dont do to well with too much constant exposure to strong magnetic fields

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I would say that it's probably around the same magnetic fiekd as a magfloat. I doubt it has any sigificant adverse affects on the livestock.

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I may have to make some kinda glass design to hold pump so I can drop bout 4 of these in my Swimming pool...opps that would be WAVE pool..lol



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what about the magnetic field, to work that way wouldnt it have to be greater than a conventional Powerheads mag engine, and how would that affect the inhabitants? many humans dont do to well with too much constant exposure to strong magnetic fields



its probly the same magnetic field as a regular powerhead seeing the electromahket part in just out of the tank and impeller is inside

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Reefer Addict
Anyone preordered this?

I have one. Pretty darn cool. It is comparable to a Tunze 6100 (output up to 3,000 gallons per hour). Actually cheaper than the Tunze 6100 when you buy the optional Tunze magnet holder.

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