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Help Me... Refugium

Wigguh Noony

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Hey Guys.

I need a spot to keep caulerpa for my 125 Gallon. I cant keep it in the main tank because my hermits will eat it. Im thinking of puttin one of those 2 gallon Hex tanks behind the main tank.


I have the lighting already, I just need to know how I would make it so that the 125g would share water with the 2 gallon.



I have no clue how I am going to do this. X)

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Your hermits eat your caulerpa? How strange.


A two gallon is tiny. Do you have room for a larger tank?


Sharing water? Drill, pump in and drain out.

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Well.. I have a huge hermit. He is probably about the size of a regular coffee cup, when he comes out of his shell. He shreds the caulerpa, Im not sure if he eats it.


I dont have much room for a larger tank, I just want a spot for caulerpa.. Ya know?

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Here is what I was thinking of doing..




....I doubt you can understand that, but Ill exlpain it.


Ill put the small tank in my sump, outside of the sump..I will put my old fluval filter. The intake of the fluval will be in the sump, while the return will be in the 2 gallon tank. Hopefully, the small tank will just overflow back into the sump. Do you get it???

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That looks like it would work but you're going to create a splashing and run the risk of things in your fuge getting into your sump very easily (whole). If that doesn't bother you, go for it.

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Well my mind is a flutter with the possibilities...lol

Can you just set a Rubbermade container on top your sump?

I would just split my overflow to feed the fuge and then let it overflow into the sump or even drill the little two gallon hex with a bunch of holes and sit it in there like you have planned before I would put the Fluval into the plan.

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Why not just add dividers to your sump? You can buy a piece of acrylic at Home Depot for $10 and cut it with a circular saw. The glass type aquarium sealant will keep them in place nicely. If your sump is glass then Home depot will cut pieces of glass for you cheap too.

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