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big brown worm with fangs


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hey I have hole in my LR that some thing has rocks pulled in front of it evrey night

even when I remove them there put back and last night one of my hermits was pulled in to it. I dont no if it died or was killed so I broke open the LR and its a big worm its body look like a dew worm with legs and its head look like a centapied

with long feelers and its fast I no its not a mantis shrip can U help me?

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Sounds like a one of those eunicid (spelling?) worms...If so its really bad and needs to be taken out immediatly

I put LR with the worm in my mixing bucket thanx

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They have those here in the Seattle area, except that the ones here are green. I find them on the beaches by turning over rocks. They may not be good in a reef, but I can tell you from experience that there's no better bottomfish bait. I sometimes go out and get a dozen or so the day before going fishing and stick them in the fridge overnight. They can pinch you a little bit with their mouthparts, but otherwise they're not dangerous to people.

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I had to take one of those little buggers out of my tank last year- turned out there was 3 of them actually- they were eating my corals and attacking my hand and hose whenever I cleaned- I could actually see and feel their teeth rasping on the silicone tubing


what I did is I took out the rock that htey where in (had gloves on-wasnt chancing it) I took a turkey baster full of seltzer water (sparkling water) and dumped the water into the worms' cave opening- they went rushing freaking out - out the other end of their cave and into the waiting bucket

then I put the rock back in the tank- no problems since.



this is what mine looked like



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Ug.. I was afraid I had one of these in my tank, and now I think I have it confirmed thanks to that last picture. Mine is pure black, and I see it creeping out of it's hole rasping at the rock from time to time. It is pretty shy, and hides if I move past the tank.


Guess I will have to try the seltzer method.

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It's a Eunice worm. I had one of those bastards in my tank. It came in a small piece of LR. Did the same thing-- would pull everything in the tank around its rock every night. Scared the crap out of me when I finally saw it. That rock was promptly removed and taken to the trash can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this thred.


I was feeding my corals when I saw a worm head that I had never seen before. So I did a quick search, then a fresh water dip with the rock, then a small mining job. this one was only 1/8" across and about 3" long. The fresh water dip killed it (and all bristle worms and pods)



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I just pulled a three-incher out of a new frag yesterday myself. Trying to break open the rock without harming the life ON the rock was fun! :P Some of these -can- be okay in tanks, but most of them turn out to be predatory, large, and destructive. I was worried about it taking out my bristleworm population, getting my corals and snails. Research told me that unfortunately these guys are usually bad.


PITA to get it out though. It makes me re-think a coral quarantine tank, where I can bait the suckers out.

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