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Cultivated Reef

What's a good sand shifter? No hermits!


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Here's the deal. I have a AGA 7g bow-front that's been running since March of 2002. There's approx. 12-15 lbs of live rock, 1" live sand bed, Aguaclear 200, Rio 90 and the stock 15watt? aga light. 1 fish only, a small false perc(been in there since start), 4 or 5 turbo snails, some shrooms and a tiny patch of gsp. I used to have a star-fish (cream color, but NOT chocolate) that was the best with my sand bed, he would leave it spotless clean. I had bought him because the original blue leg hermits had eaten my huge patch of gsp, so I took the hermits out.


now, here's my problem. since the starfish died last week i have nothing that cleans the sand and its starting to collect detrius. I'm not going to buy another starfish because they eat alot and a 7g is too little, especially considering most of the sand is under LR. I don't want blue hermits cause the will climb and eat my gsp. What choices do I have left? I searched and found some people have Nassarius Snails? Are they what i need? My local LFS's (South Florida) might not have them.


Tank Parameters:

I haven't got a clue except salinty is at .024 and everything (shrooms and coraline) grow like crazy. I use to test the water, but since it always show perfect results, i stopped. I changed the water( 2-4 gallons) once every 3 months.

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You could get a few nassarius snails or a small, SMALL, tiger tail cucumber. The cucumber would be great but the trick is finding a small one....I've always got ones over 4" and you'd really need a tiny one like 2" or so IMO.



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i have nassarius and they work great for me, however, i have a lot of open sand for them to bury/work/move around in. i don't know how effective they would be for your 7 if most of the sand is truly under rock - they only work in the open areas, not under rock. although they are not known as the greatest rock/glass climbers mine do a fairly good job at both but they do fall off the glass a lot. i would suggest trying a couple they will keep your open areas clean plus they're fun to feed. i think i paid .80/each for mine.

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sand sifting starfish. i have one and it works great in my new 10. i would get one for my 7 but there isn't really fine enough sand and there isn't many open areas for it to "sift".

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Yep, that's the starfish I had for over 10 months and then he died. Its seems to me he starved to death with little sand area to spread his arms so getting another for another 10 months seems kind of cruel i think. Anyhow, I hit the local LFS and see if i can find some N. Snails


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on another note, I have some pics of the tank on jpeg format. How do I post them? Do i have to have them on a full-time server and link them here like back in the day when Photopoint existed?

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