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Minibow 2.5


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I've been following the NR.com for a while now and since the Minibow section looked a little thin, I thought I'd post mine. I've got a 40G Reef, 10G FW and a 2.5 MB Reef. After watching Doncb put his together, along with Apex, Tigahboy, and numerous others setting up nano-type tanks, I figured on giving it a shot. So, late last year, I put this together.


One question I had for everyone was the depth of the sand. Mine is about 1.5 inches deep and I'm having trouble getting the nitrates down below 2.5 ppm. I do a 25% water change each week on the 2.5. I did notice that by taking the majority of the sand out of the 40G and only leaving about 1/4" (enough to cover the glass) that my nitrates dropped to zero. I was thinking the depth of the sand might be the culprit as it's not deep enough for nnr nor thin enough to allow detrius to be removed by the filter.


Does anyone else have advice/suggestion/recommendations on this?




Other Photos....


The little goniopora is a tank-raised item, believe it or not. It's about the size of a nickle at its base. The LFS owner didn't see it in the back of his show tank. I did and thought I'd take a shot at keeping one...


Another photo...


Having trouble with my uploads...sorry





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nice lookin tank, i tried to set a minibow 2.5 up, but decided to go with a reg 2.5..


id try to get that bubble algae out with airline tubing...try not to pop em though

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Thanks, snowlancer2720, never thought of simply using airline tubing and siphoning them out - good idea. I was considering picking up a mithrax crab for the bubble algae. My main tank has one mithrax crab and it keeps the algae well under control. I've been reluctant to add more than the four cerith snails to keep the bioload as low as possible but one or two additional inverts probably won't hurt.

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Yup, ended up picking one up this evening. Small guy, about 3/4" of an inch across. While I was there, I found a pair of blue-legged hermit crabs as well.

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Where in OC did you find such a small emerald. I was at Tongs' this weekend and the one's they had were huge. They're also good with hair algae right? I need a real small one for my Red Sea Aqua Vase.

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Where in OC did you find such a small emerald. I was at Tongs' this weekend and the one's they had were huge. They're also good with hair algae right? I need a real small one for my Red Sea Aqua Vase.


Hi riotj:


I checked out both of the Pacific Reef stores (Anaheim and Fountain Valley). They both have small emerald crabs ranging from 3/4" to about an 1" across. At least they did last week. The emerald crab will handle the bubble algae but I've never seen one eating hair algae. I've got a larger one in my 40G and he's pretty well cleaned out the tank of bubble algae.


I ended up with some very small blue-legged hermits - not the Marshall Island variety - for the hair algae. Both of the hermits are about 1/2" long (shell length). I tend to lose them periodically in the rock work as they're so small and the re-appear a day or so later.


Have fun shopping.



Photo didn't come out too well...


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Last Saturday I ended up setting up a DIY sump. The original setup was using a small Whisper HOB which was only satisfactory. Once the filter insert is in place there isn't much room for any other insert such as a bag of Purigen, Chemi-pur or a little chaetomorpha. So, after thinking the setup through, it was off to the LFS for a RIO90 and a length of 1/2" tubing. The trick was in finding a tall enough container, equal in height to the tank so that I wouldn't have to build an overflow or spill-way for the u-tube. That way, if the power goes out, the tank and container simply equalize in water volume.


I wasn't about to pay for a fancy acrylic container from the LFS and didn't want to make one out of sheet acrylic so I ended up at the local Wal-Mart looking around the food storage/kitchen aisle at the various plastic containers. I found a four quart cereal container with a removable lid that was exactly the same height as the 2.5 MB and purchased it.


The u-tube, sponge pre-filter, return, and strainer I cannabilized from the inevitable pile of spare parts that accumulate from the hobby and set the cereal container up behind the tank. In went the RIO with the pre-filter and return along with the u-tube/strainer and some water from the 40G. Then I dropped in a bag of carbon and about two cups of chaetomorpha from the 40G's sump and powered the RIO up. I did have to slightly restrict the water flow from the RIO as the sand was blowing everywhere.


The additional water volume along with the water movement and the larger bag of carbon have had an immediate impact on the water clarity and (apparent) health of the inhabitants. Naturally, I neglected to take before and after shots but here are the week-later shots of the completed sump.


Thanks again to the folks who helped me out with these ideas.



I still have trouble setting up attachments...




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Can you please explain how the tank and the sump equalize in water volume if the power goes out? I don't quite understand. Wouldn't the sump continue fillling with water and overflow? Please explan, I am interested in setting something like this up.

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Andre, It's a syphon, so when the water level in the tank, and container are the same, it will stop syphoning.



Paul, I think I'm going to steal this idea(Thanks :)), I have a MB2.5 with a AC20, but I want more water so I think I will be setting up something very similiar.

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Can you please explain how the tank and the sump equalize in water volume if the power goes out? I don't quite understand. Wouldn't the sump continue fillling with water and overflow? Please explan, I am interested in setting something like this up.


Hi Andre:

Phil F nailed it. The "sump" (cereal tupperware container) is the exact same height as the 2.5 MB and stands immediately behind the tank. So unlike a sump sitting below the tank which will continue to fill on a power-out unless the siphon is cut by an overflow box or something similar, the siphon in this case will simply equalize the two containers (tank and sump) if the powerhead stops.


This setup saved me the trouble of having to make an overflow box to cut the siphon in a powerout and simplified the setup tremendously. It's due up for a water change this weekend so I'll try take some "detail" photos that might explain it and the setup better.


Hi Phil F:

Glad you can steal the idea! If you go to Wal-Mart to pick one up, head to the kitchens section. The cereal container I used can be found there. The container is made by "Buddeez" and the stock number/part number is: 074736300004. It cost me a whopping $3.96. :D


You might also checkout the five gallon "Sterlite" storage containers. See what you think. I opted not to go with one as I didn't have enough space on the entertainment center and it would have visually stood out even from behind the tank. But it is an option I considered and would have definite merits if I had enough space.


Have Fun! When you get yours setup, let me know. I'd like to see photos! I'm sure there's more that could be improved upon with this setup and I'd enjoy seeing what you come up with!




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hey paul that is a great idea, ive been in the hobby now off and on for about 5 yrs... but surprisingly never wanted to go w/ a setup like that because of the fear of loosing water if the power went out, i always went w/ an old HOB. But thats a good idea. thx for the how-to.

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hey paul that is a great idea, ive been in the hobby now off and on for about 5 yrs... but surprisingly never wanted to go w/ a setup like that because of the fear of loosing water if the power went out, i always went w/ an old HOB. But thats a good idea. thx for the how-to.


Thanks, Skilter. The driver for me was also the fear of losing water during a power outage. I'm hoping Phil F gives it a try and comes up with some additional mods. I'm sure there's more we can do with this type of sump setup, such as a small protein skimmer, trays similar to an AC, chambers for LS/LR, etc... . Four quart is a surprisingly large volume.




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Well I did some shopping this weekend, but haven't figured out how I'm going to assemble it, I have the container(a little bigger than yours but it was all they had) 1.5gals (5.6L), a Rio 50(went with this because I'm going to keep my AC20 for flow), some tubing. I still need to find a u-tube with a strainer. I found a cheap filter with a small u-tube strainer combo, but I haven't been able to try it out yet. I spent most the weekend working on the ac110 fuge for my 10g. Give me another week or so and I should have something running, although at first it will just be full of water probably.

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Well I did some shopping this weekend, but haven't figured out how I'm going to assemble it, I have the container(a little bigger than yours but it was all they had) 1.5gals (5.6L), a Rio 50(went with this because I'm going to keep my AC20 for flow), some tubing. I still need to find a u-tube with a strainer. I found a cheap filter with a small u-tube strainer combo, but I haven't been able to try it out yet. I spent most the weekend working on the ac110 fuge for my 10g. Give me another week or so and I should have something running, although at first it will just be full of water probably.


Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Particularly since you picked up a 1.5 gallon container. By the way, what kind of container did you end up with? Bread loaf? Sugar? Sounds kind of odd ... "I've made my sump from a cereal tupperware...". :lol: Now I'm really curious since I didn't see one in that size.


Regards and looking forward to seeing your design!


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Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Particularly since you picked up a 1.5 gallon container. By the way, what kind of container did you end up with? Bread loaf? Sugar? Sounds kind of odd ... "I've made my sump from a cereal tupperware...". :lol: Now I'm really curious since I didn't see one in that size.


Regards and looking forward to seeing your design!



It is a Rubbermaid cereal container. Still no progress, I tried to get the basics working, but u-tube I got with that cheap filter didn't do the job so I have to figure something else out.


On your setup how do you start the syphon?

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It is a Rubbermaid cereal container. Still no progress, I tried to get the basics working, but u-tube I got with that cheap filter didn't do the job so I have to figure something else out.


On your setup how do you start the syphon?


I ran some airline tubing up to the bend in the u-tube and then dropped the u-tube into the tank/sump. Once both ends were submerged, I sucked the air out through the airline tube.


I scrounged around this evening and found a spare u-tube and strainer. The strainer is from a different filter and will have to be force-fit. If you have an old strainer from an AC or Whisper HOB filter, it might work better. The u-tube is 5/8 inches in diameter (I think). If you can't find one that suits your needs, drop me a PM and let me know if you want it. Here's a photo.



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  • 4 weeks later...
what lighting are you running on this


There's two lights in there: One of those 20W blue/white combination screw-in flourescents and one 13W blue flourescent (two pin-type socket). I had to mod the hood slightly to move the lightbulb socket backwards about an inch to allow room for the 20W. The 13W socket I simply screwed into place directly into the hood. Added a 50mm PC fan on a variable watt wallwart to cool it.


Any updates? how's the tank doing? Any updated pics?


About four weeks ago, the nitrates dropped to less than 0.2 ppm and then last week were below the testable level of the test kit (Salifert). Of course, I'm getting old and my eyes are beginning to go (straddling the big 4-0 :huh: ). The bubble algae is less of a problem now but is still there. I'm going to have to get another emerald crab. The one I put in a month or so ago only lasted three weeks and then bought the farm. The sump and chaeto algae seem to have done the trick with reducing the nitrates in a hurry. It's due up for a water change tomorrow so I'll take some fresh photos. The candy coral, blasto-something-or-others, and euphyllia (I think) are doing well as are the star polyps and anemone. The goniopora is slowly fading despite my attempts to feed it. (see goniopora.org).


Thanks for asking!

Regards, PaulS

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In went the RIO with the pre-filter and return along with the u-tube/strainer and some water from the 40G. Then I dropped in a bag of carbon and about two cups of chaetomorpha from the 40G's sump and powered the RIO up. I did have to slightly restrict the water flow from the RIO as the sand was blowing everywhere.


The additional water volume along with the water movement and the larger bag of carbon have had an immediate impact on the water clarity and (apparent) health of the inhabitants.


Excellent solution! I wasn't able to find another description of anything for an equal level tank and sump.


Please, can you draw/photo or describe what is placed over what on the way on water flow? I see some mesh - is it for straining or it's media bag, isn't chaeto pieces blocking intake of the pump? Is diameter of U-tubes critical, or they can be equal to pump's intake-outtake diameters? Is the first U-tube just hanging over the walls, not connected to anything? Any smaller containers inside to imitate baffling (? - dividers)


Sorry for a lot of questions, I never had a sump and it's all understandable on the drawings of the big sectioned sumps, but I have no idea about order of things in one undivided container.



P.S. I'm trying to use the same principle of equal height for a 90 gal tank (BB fish and algae only).

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Excellent solution! I wasn't able to find another description of anything for an equal level tank and sump.


Please, can you draw/photo or describe what is placed over what on the way on water flow? I see some mesh - is it for straining or it's media bag, isn't chaeto pieces blocking intake of the pump? Is diameter of U-tubes critical, or they can be equal to pump's intake-outtake diameters? Is the first U-tube just hanging over the walls, not connected to anything? Any smaller containers inside to imitate baffling (? - dividers)


Sorry for a lot of questions, I never had a sump and it's all understandable on the drawings of the big sectioned sumps, but I have no idea about order of things in one undivided container.



P.S. I'm trying to use the same principle of equal height for a 90 gal tank (BB fish and algae only).


Thanks for the compliment. It was time for a large cleaning tonight so I took the opportunity to down the whole sump, clean it and photograph the re-assembly. No problem on the questions, glad to answer. So many others on this site have answered a lot of my questions, it's the least I can do.


Essentially, it's just a sump, no baffles, no internal boxes. I thought about it but discarded the idea as it would have made maintenance a little more difficult since this is essentially a Rubbermaid-type cereal container and the inside is a little tight for hands. The RIO has a cylindrical foam filter on it and I put a mesh bag for carbon in there as well. The chaeto floats higher than the bottom tip of the u-tube but wouldn't obstruct it anyway. Honestly, regarding the sizing of the intake u-tube and the output of the RIO, I just guessed. There's almost certainly a more accurate way of doing this than I did :D . The u-tube simply sits, straddling the tank and sump - it's about 5/8" in diameter. The strainer at the tank-end side, I pulled from my parts bin. I think it came from an old AC or other HOB filter.


Here's some photos of the sump solution. I'm not too adept at using the attachment feature in the thread so this may be a multi-post setup to show the solution.



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