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Flight Safety

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Flight Safety

I have a 24g Aquapod 1 month w/ 35lbs LR, 20lbs LS, 2 false percula, 1 tiger sleeper goby, 1 flame, assorted corals.


Heres what happened. I had the above system up & running for a while and attempted a blue tang. Acclimation went well. Next day, tiny white spots on blue tang. I asked arround @ LFS and found out that they are prone to get ich very easily. I removed him immediately and he eventually died.


Almost a week later (now) and my 2 clowns have whatever it is. Some people are telling me that its ich and some just a parasite (not ich).


LFS sold me 2 cleaner shrimp, and something called "kick ich".


What would you do?


Any suggestions at all wil be greatly apreciated.

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kick-ich is some good stuff...completely invert friendly, i used it both times when my clowns got ich and it cured them within 3-4 days....follow the instructions on the back of the bottle and it should work fine...good luck with it

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Well, let's see.


1) Your tank is overstocked.

2) The Tang Police are gonna have a field day with this one, so change your username ASAP.

3) Your LFS sees dollar signs when you walk in.


Now, onto the problem at hand.

The shrimp(s) will help. One would be plenty, return the other.


I've (knock on wood) never needed ich medication, but if I'm not

mistaken, this is copper based. Yours may be different. Copper will kill your corals.


Give you two options:


1) Set up a Q tank and treat your fish in there.

2) Turn up your heat. Higher temps = higher motabilism = quicker for ich to

run it's course and die off.


Personally, I recommed #1


Please don't think I'm trying to be mean here. See this kind of thing all the time

on this forum. Spend some time searching/researching looking at other tank pics

and above all, take your time.


This forum is great. I've learned quite a bit here and avoided common problems.


Good luck -


post some pics of your tank.

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1) Your tank is overstocked.

2) The Tang Police are gonna have a field day with this one, so change your username ASAP.

3) Your LFS sees dollar signs when you walk in.

very true. your clowns probably picked whatever it is up so quickly because they may be stressed due to the fact that they are crammed into a 24g tank. also, you seem to be stocking the tank very quickly. all of this makes your fish more prone to sickness. slow down and get your tank under control.

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