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Cultivated Reef

So which goby should I get for my pistol shrimp?


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I have a Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) seen here:



liveaquaria.com link


He has no goby friend anymore... lost him about a year ago due to some rude tankmates... he eventually starved from being too scared to come out. The shrimp has been in my g/f's tank ever since... and I think it's time I take him back for my new tank.


So any suggestions on a goby that will likely pair with this shrimp?



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There are a bunch, do a search on these.... Amblyeleotris, Cryptocentrus, Ctenogobiops, Istigobius, Stonogobiops


I recently got a stonogobiops yasha for my new set-up. Very nice fish but rather difficult to find. If you want something different from the common watchman go with either some of the stonogobiops or Amblyeleotris randalli. But it also depends on the other tank inhabitants. Stick with some type of "dither" fish.

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Chris, I actually have 2 yellow watchmen in my nano. They get along but the big one hogs all the food. If you want to try him I could bring the small guy to the next SA meeting if I can make it this time. Not sure it's a natural pairing though.


In my 18 gallon cube nano the 2 watchmen and the fire shrimp all hang out under a giant piece of live rock that has a natural cave under it.

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Thanks for the advice guys.


From liveaquaria.com about the Yellow Watchman

They have been known to form symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp.


Sounds like they might work out. I talked to Ray though from our forums to see if he can get me an Amblyeleotris randalli. Kinda hard to find... don't see them too often. If that doesn't work out I may take you up on the y. watchman offer. :)



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Odds are essentially zero that any goby, even of the correct species with pair up with your shrimp. In general, these are species specific pairing, and unless you buy them as a mater pair they will probably ignore eachother, there have been instances of them fighting, I suppose they are trying to maintain the area free from other shrimp or gobies so a better spouse can come along.

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I disagree I know of more than a few people who just put them in the tank and after a few days bingo! They matched up and sometimes it didnt even take that long.


It sometimes does take a little trial and error but it can be done!

If you search around (I know your not a noobie) youll see many people have had success.

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Randles gobies, hi-fin gobies, and yellow watchman gobies all do very well with pistols. The yellow watchmen will pair up faster -generally. But any of the above should eventually pair up, especially in a small tank, where they will constantly see on another.

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